Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6/27/11: The real adventure begins...

Monday 6/27/2011: THE ADVENTURE BEGINS...
This is the beginning of the real adventure. When Spouse and I got Hannah, it was intended for the two of us. After traveling in Playcation where we had so little room, Hannah felt like a mansion. But now, with Dallas and Crew, I expect there to be some challenges.

After my daily power walk, we readied Hannah for departure. It is always great to visit Rick and Sue and I am always sad to leave. They had an early appointment so they left before us. We stopped at a Costco and ran into Sue. Then we headed into Sacramento to pick up the door that had blown off when we first left. With that all done, we started north on I5.

We decided we would stop in Redding for the night. About 10 miles before Redding, both Crew and Spouse really had to go to the bathroom. And, we needed gas. So the logical thing would be to stop in a gas station. Not with Spouse driving... he waited until he was floating and Crew was making faces and just pulled over where Crew could run across the street to a gas station and Spouse could use Hannah. Why, I ask, why??? Because the gas was $.04 cheaper at a station we saw in Sacramento... It will probably cost us far more money to try and save money on gas...

We are in a park right on the Sacramento River. We have a gazillion geese talking to us. Dallas and Crew went across the street to a movie and Dallas had our camera in his pocket. Argh...

Spouse and I biked over to the Sundial Bridge. The bridge spans the Sacramento River and is made of glass. Not sure of the significance of the glass since you can't see through it. There are lots of bike trails, a botanical garden and museum that are really quite attractive. I would really like to sleep outside tonite but they are calling for rain, and based on the clouds, I believe them.

Some things I have learned about the boys... Crew never goes anywhere without a book in his hand. Dallas likes puzzles. Neither of them likes to do dishes, but they will when we tell them to. Dallas will eat about anything. Crew won't. He may be losing weight. He is a true carnivore. Cheerios are ok but probably prefers Fruit Loops. They both like s'mores.

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