Thursday, June 30, 2011

6/30/2011: The Lake Re-appears!

Thursday June 30, 2011: The Lake Re-Appears

After yesterday's disappointing attempt at viewing Crater Lake, we decided to try again. After a morning walk (and a visit with a mama cat and her 3 feral - but chunky - feral babies) we readied Hannah for departure. Maybe leaving in the morning, we can beat the weather.

We cross thru stunningly beautiful scenery, snowcapped peaks and green pastures then start our climb up to the lake. Crater Lake was created by volcanic blasts thousands of years ago. About 2,000 feet deep, it is one of the deepest lakes in the country. It is surrounded by snow nearly year round, and as far as we can see, there is still 6-8 feet of the white stuff lining the road as we tour. The boys tossed a few snowballs, then a few more, then a few more... Whee... They are not too familiar with the white stuff so I must be patient...

After the sensory overload, we head out the north entrance and back to highway 97 north. We stopped to make sandwiches outside of Bend, then stopped in Bend for some grocery shopping. Teenage boys eat a whole lot of food. Where we used to have leftovers, that doesn't seem to be happening. This means we have to go to grocery stores ALL THE TIME! We have so much junk food in Hannah it is disgusting. Potato chips, Cheesitz, Doritos, and then Spouse bought Ding Dongs! I bought cucumbers and lettuce... I am a bit overwhelmed by the male need to junk out. We have soda wars all the time, where Spouse limits the sodas to one a day (I drink water... and vodka tonics!). I don't have to eat the junk to know that it is still permeating my system by just being in such close proximity! SAVE ME!

One good thing, they like spicy. So I made a meat loaf (turkey and beef mixture... got to wean them to the lean stuff) and I chopped jalapeno in it and it was good... And it was gone... Darned! No leftovers for tomorrow!

Anyhow, we left Bend on highway 20 west into the wilderness. We passed through the cutesy town of Sisters and went along the scenic drive through the forests and rivers and lakes. Wild azaleas lined the road as well as other flowers and ferns. We picked up 22 and ended up in a tiny town outside of Detroit. When we stopped, Hannah was a mess! Almost every cabinet door had opened and the contents had jumped to the floor. It was kind of like they were having a killer party while the parents were away... I could not believe glass did not break. I sure hope this does not become a habit!

Looks like we might have trouble finding a spot for the holiday weekend. Since we don't have phone service where we are, we can't very well make reservations. Oh well.

Spouse and the boys are playing dominoes. I am detoxing from testosterone overload...

I must confess, the boys are getting pretty good at helping Spouse set up Hannah, which in turn, makes my life easier. They entertain each other in addition to their bickering with one another, which is typical brotherdom. They are actually good kids! Who would have ever thought those words would have flowed off of my fingers...

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