Thursday, June 30, 2011

6/28-2011 It's a Dog's world...

Tuesday June 28, 2011: IT'S A DOG'S WORLD

I decided to sleep outside last night even tho the forecast called for rain. I positioned myself under the trailer hitch so I wouldn't get wet. It was a beautiful night, but the rain did come. And it was a heavy rain. It was early daylight when I awoke. I laid there warm and toasty and watched it rain and listened to the geese as the offered their morning greetings. I didn't think I was getting wet, but when I looked at my sleeping bag, it was wet, so I gathered up my stuff and went inside. I laid down my sleeping gear, crawled over the boys, stepped on Bart, then made my way into the bedroom where it was cozy and dry.

Dallas' burnt foot looks a lot like raw meat. Bart decided he would help clean it. As he licked, Dallas squirmed and grimaced. And Bart licked and licked, his antiseptic tongue cleaning and cleaning. Dallas squirming and grimacing some more, then writhing in pain as Bart licked and licked some more. When finished Dallas bandaged his foot and we took Bart outside where he found a huge bone. It may be a stegasaurus bone, or maybe a t.rex, or mastadon. Bart was going to town on it so we decided to let him have it as payment for cleansing Dallas' wound... It's a dog's world...

The weatherman promised the rain would be gone by noon. Liar! We took the boys over to the Sundial Bridge and thought about going into the Turtle museum, but it was a bit pricey. So we figured we would do our errands in the rain. A trip to Wal-Mart, let's talk about that... I know you have all seen the emails with pictures of some of the Wal-Mart clientele... Redding sure does have its share of the 'beauties.' The huge, the saggy and the cosmetically challenged were abundantly represented. Now, you all know I am not a fashion maven, HOWEVER, I was the hot beauty of Wal-Mart today. (But when we returned the DVD the boys rented later in the evening, I felt totally comfortable in my funky sweats!)

Anyhow, after our Wal-Mart adventure, we dropped the boys at In-n-Out, while we had Thai food. When we brought back our stuff to Hannah, the rain looked like it had stopped, so we decided to head up to Lake Shasta's caverns.

The caverns are about 15 miles north of the park we are in and as we climbed the hills, the rain started again. To visit the caverns, you take a boat across the lake. It was covered so we stayed dry but it was pretty cold. After debarking from the boat, we boarded a bus that took us to the cavern entrance. Passed a few brown bears along the way. The caverns were quite spectacular, but I happen to be a cavernaholic so I am probably not the best judge. When we exited the caverns, I would have sworn we were in the Te Anau fjord in southern New Zealand. There were steep canyon walls draped with clouds and the lake below - quite a spectacle. And the rain continued...

Now we needed to get gas... again... Spouse doubled back to the gas station we passed on our way up yesterday. The price came down to $4.01 - woo hoo... but it probably cost us an extra gallon of gas just to get there! And the rain continued...

When we got home, the mastadon bone was smelling kind of ripe so we threw it in the water. It was nice while it lasted!

I tried to do a power walk... but the rain continued some more. So I cut it short. Argh.....The boys rented a video, so that is our evening. L.A. is under attack from aliens. Sounds kind of true to life! And it is raining even harder now... Tomorrow, we leave for sure.

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