Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Here is a summary for the first 9 days. PICTURES ARE FORTHCOMING!

Saturday 6/18/2011: The drive to Rick and Sue's in Grass Valley is normally about a 7-8 hour ordeal. Towing Hannah adds a few hours, especially with Spouse at the wheel. Making it over the grapevine, we stop to make a sandwich. We are not gone 3 hours and Spouse notices the door over the water heater is missing. Something tells me this trip will have a few incidents... The long drive continued, with the brothers slugging each other at the sight of an out of state license plate. Bart appreciated having a lap on which to lay his head. Dallas and Crew jockeyed for position to get Bart' head instead of his behind... Got to Rick and Sue's around 8:30 and settled in.

Sunday 6/19/2011: The boys got a lesson on washing and waxing a boat. Sue and I got all the provisions. We will leave in the am. The boys fished on Rick and Sue's pond.

Monday 6/20/2011: Loaded the ski boat with all our worldly possessions. Us people had to fit where we could as we taxied to the houseboat. The water level is the highest it has been in years - up to the tree line. This is good for the drought, but definitely makes it challenging to find a place to land the houseboat. We transfer the goods from the ski boat to the house boat. Then Sue, Crew and I go on a scouting mission with the ski boat. There is lots of debris in the lake - logs, trees and little pieces too. But it was totally glassed out... which means... I was totally jonesing to ski! My ski was in the boat, as was my vest and my gloves. And Sue said to jump in! Wahoo! So jumping in is what I did. The water temperature was a little cool, but not bad at all, and I proved that I still got it! I was able to get up and ski my little heart out! Each year, I always wonder if I will be able to get up on a ski. Yesssss! I finished my ski and we got back to the mother boat with our findings. We found a great landing place for The Beach House (the houseboat's name), but it was on the warmer side of the lake, but we thought we would give it a try.

Once we settled in, it was time for the boys to learn to ski. Crew bet me $5 that he would get up on a single ski his first time. I told him he wouldn't but he insisted, so I finally took the bet. When he thought a little more about it, he tried to hedge his bet with Doug by betting he would get up by the end of the day. Newsflash... he lost both bets! Dallas was not successful either. Oh well... they did enjoy kayaking around. Dallas worked on his tan... 2d degree burns on his feet. Oh Child Protective Services....

I helped Sue do a little painting on the Beach House.

The boys and I slept outside. I slept with most of my body under the outside awning so as the morning dew crept in, I would not get too wet. Crew and Dallas got wet... But what a beautiful night sky!

Tuesday 6/21/2011: The first day of summer brought us moderate temperatures. No luck for either Dallas or Crew on their quests to ski. My hands, arms and back are already sore from skiing, but I must do more of it. Gee, I used to be able to go so much longer... A bald eagle graced us with its presence first across the cove, then it perched right above the Beach House. Ahh.... Took a little hike over at the Dark Day camp area. Beautiful campsites overlook the water.

Spouse helped do repairs on the Beach House.

Dallas and Crew pitched a tent on the roof to help keep themselves dry.

Wednesday 6/22/2011: Crew and Dallas decided to try innertubing. It was certainly fun watching them as Spouse sent them buzzing this way and flying that way. We decided to move the Beach House to a cooler area for Rick. Although the weather was mild, Rick has MS and is very affected. We found another spot with a far more challenging landing, especially to get the dogs off and walked, but it was cooler and we made it work. Dallas caught a couple of bass, and threw them back.

Spouse helped do repairs on the Beach House.

Dallas and Crew decided to put the fly on their tent for more protection.

Thursday 6/23/2011: More tubing for Dallas and Crew. Pulled the blister clean off Dallas' sunburnt foot. If Crew had his way, we would never tow him under 60 mph. He will not be getting the keys to my car any time soon... Spouse helped do repairs on the Beach House.

Crew slept down below, inside. Dallas slept under the awning.

Friday 6/24/2011: After a morning of play, we readied the Beach House for the trip back to the marina. It ran well almost all the way, but the fuel filter was full of water and it was stalling and the wind was up and.... We were able to get her moored and ready for her new fuel filter. We loaded the ski boat with all our worldy possessions and taxied back to the launch ramp. So much beautiful driftwood floating in the lake. I wish I could have taken tons of it!

We made it back home. The boys learned how to wash a boat again.

Saturday 6/25/2011: Didn't do much. The boys played some pool. We made Crew eat broccoli. Oh the pain... Oh Child Protective Services... Crew and I watched a Chuckie movie; you know, the serial killer doll. Crew gave me all the inside stuff on the character. It was fun.

Sunday 6/26/2011: Did all our laundry and readied Hannah for departure. It seems that whenever we come up to Rick and Sue's, they are having their monthly couples dinner. So, once again, our timing was impeccable and we crashed it. Good people, lots of fun.

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