Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June 25, 2013 Good Bye Ruby Tuesday

June 25, 2013  Gooood bye  Ruby Tuesday


In our previous episode... I left you with the thoughts of the little black kitty sitting on Spouse's lap.  Well, Spouse's lap moved inside as did little black kitty.  I named her Ruby.

 Ruby did a quick check out of Hannah, then snuggled with Spouse, then came to help me on the computer, then snuggled with Crew.  We let her spend the night inside, after all, it was cold out there and there are predators.

 She slept with Crew for a while, then she snuggled up against my legs.  Then she was at my waist.  Then she was around our heads in her attempt to get under the covers.  We had to draw the line there since she was kind of dusty.  So since she struck out getting under the covers, she started rubbing my face and curled up against my chin.  She was purring...  I loved petting her and she loved being petted.  In the morning, she came around our heads again and we put her under the top blanket.  She was quite content.

When Spouse got up, he took her outside to go to the bathroom, which she did, but she didn't want to be picked up again so he left her. 

 But, she came back and perched herself on the rocking chair back to soak up the sun.  She was making this real tough for us.  Spouse went to the store to buy some cat food.  He talked to the guy there and was told that she had been around for a couple of weeks.  She was obviously well loved.  She must have gone hunting and her owners couldn't wait for her return and now she was on the hunt for love.

 Do we keep her or not?  So many logistics to consider.  Then she left, and we readied Hannah for departure.  As we were doing the last of the chores, we found Ruby under the seat in the truck.  OH, how can we leave her... the defining moment was about to occur...  if she stayed while Spouse was moving the truck, we would have to keep her.  If she bolted, it was not meant to be. 

She bolted.  We still could have picked her up and kept her, and we wrestled with the decision, but we ultimately left her there.  As we pulled away, and she realized that she did not find another home, she trotted over to the RV a few spots down, ready to show them her stuff.  I cried.

 Spouse and I have regretted our decision to leave her all day long.  Talking to other RV'ers, they pick up critters all the time, and I am sure she will be adopted; as long as she doesn't get eaten first!

Goodbye Ruby Tuesday...

Sadly we left Bryce and headed west to 89.  Then north, ultimately to I15.  All along the ride, there is high desert and beautiful meadows, with mountains as back drops.  Utah is a beautiful state.  Today was meant to be a day of travel, so that is what we did.  A stop at Cabela's was the highlight before we settled in a small RV park in Brigham City.

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