Friday, June 28, 2013

June 27, 2013 Now, where were we before we were interrupted?

June 27, 2013:  Now where were we before we were interrupted?

 Now that we had Rudy in hand (we finally changed his name so that we would not insult his malehood), we began our trek up highway 89.  Rudy went to sleep under the back seat.  So much for my NO PET rule for the next two years.  We actually thought we would end up picking up a stray on one of our journeys, but not in the first week of the first journey!

Leaving Brigham City, the road goes through deer country as it heads to the town of Logan.  Logan looks to be a prosperous old time town.  Lots of commerce and lots of charm.  Leaving Logan, we head into a valley with a variety of rocky mountains where you occasionally see rock climbers rappelling.  On the other side of the road is the Logan river and more mountains with beautiful alpine meadows dotted with pine, aspen and wild flowers.  Several picnic areas are nestled in the trees, as are many camping areas.  Had we known this neck of the woods was like this, we would have arranged to spend some time here.  But having lost a day on the kitty re-do, and with the fourth of July holiday looming, we expect a lot of traffic around the Teton and Yellowstone area.  So we didn't want to be any later than we already were.

The highway continues to follow the Logan River for miles and miles.  Ultimately, we reach a crest overlooking Bear Lake in the distance.  Bear Lake is a large lake surrounded by rolling mountains and large ranches providing a stunning scenic overlook.  We stopped and enjoyed lunch in Hannah on our perch.  Before we left the overlook, we treated Rudy's wound with antiseptic and antibiotic cream.  Puss is oozing out, but it is not inflamed.  If it is not better by the end of the weekend, he will get to see a vet.  I put him on my lap when we left to make sure he didn't lick off the ointment.  He was totally content for hours stretched out sleeping.  Hear me... a cat in a moving car stretched out and sleeping...  Either he is one hell of a traveler or he is not feeling well!

 As we left Bear Lake, we headed for the Jackson, Wyoming area.  We pass through the south eastern corner of Idaho through the cute town of Montpelier.  The highway then passes through mountains of scrub followed by spectacular alpine mountains and meadows.  We saw a veterinarian's office, but he wasn't in and the receptionist recommended we get some Neosporin for Rudy, which we will when we see a drug store.

We started looking for RV parks.  Some were literally on the side of the highway.  In this beautiful setting, it was difficult for me to understand why the scenery was not considered in the design of these RV parks.  We headed over to the National Forest and checked out those spots.  It was hot, and there would be no air conditioning - which if we were living outside would be manageable.  But living inside Hannah would be unbearable.  So we turned around and stumbled on a teeny park in the town of Alpine with a killer view.  The park is unknown as they don't advertise (and they wonder why they don't get RVs)...  I kind of feel like the owner is a little Norman Bates-ish, so if you don't hear from me by the end of July, you know where to start looking!
Once we got set up and ate, we sat outside with Rudy on a leash.  He is definitely curious and would be hunting in the fields if we let him.  He did give me a few WTF looks when I tugged on his leash...And then, we cleaned up his pussy wound again!  I brought him back inside Hannah and he ran to his food and ate.  Eating cures everything...  And just so you know, Rudy did use the litter box.  Of course, we keep moving the litter box depending on what we are doing...

This is the view from the 'Bates Motel RV Park'

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