Thursday, April 29, 2021

April 27, 2021 You wanna WHAT?


 My humans have the big house that moves at home.  I love this house and will go sleep in it.          

Spouse and I decided to take another big road trip.  We want to visit some friends near Nashville, and Spouse has never been to the southeast in any great degree so with that in mind, our plans started coming together. 

So, the general idea is that we would head east and actually, maybe even look at Texas instead of just driving through it!  Then head thru Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, then north to Clarksville.  After our visit, we will head to Charleston and then in some way will point west.  How we come home will be determined when we feel like figuring it out! 

Whenever we go on a long trip like this, I always lament leaving my orchids behind.  I will have so many that bloom while I am gone.  I will be getting pictures from my friend that is the watering queen.  My kitchen window looks naked without flowers… As for Rudy, he is already in Hannah (the name of our rig) sleeping in our bed.

We decided to leave 4/28…  until on 4/27 Spouse said let’s leave tonite and that way we won’t have the traffic with which to deal.  Do you know how many last minute things come up when someone does that?  Somehow, we think (we hope) we covered our bases and left about 7pm.

We headed east and the first argument… Spouse said to put on a podcast.  I said, we will listen to the Dodger game.  I won.  Fortunately, as the Reds took the lead, we started losing the reception. 

Then came argument number 2.  Spouse wanted to just pull over into a crowded, noisy rest stop for the night.  I suggested we find a Walmart.  With our new GPS, she directed us to get off the freeway, which was fine.  But once off the freeway, it was another 5 miles, and Spouse nearly had a heart attack!  I told him to suck it up and drive.  When we got there, there was a road where we could pull around to the back and be inconspicuous…  kind of…  yes it was not a dead end, but there was NO WAY we could make the turn with Hannah behind us, so Spouse (with a less than cheery attitude) backed up all the way back to the parking lot.  WE didn’t see any other RVs, which seemed odd to us…  then we ended up parking beneath the sign that said ‘No Overnight Parking’.  Oops…



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