Thursday, April 29, 2021

April 28, 2021 Surprise! We are early!




We got about 5 or 6 good hours of sleep before some road work in the parking lot began.  Argh!  Oh well.  I did my walk, while Spouse went into Walmart for a few things and then we hit the road.

We were supposed to be visiting our friends (Jake and Lynn) in Phoenix, but since we left a day early, would they have us? Yes!

We pulled into a rest stop to make some breakfast.  Spouse learned that with his new batteries, the generator works differently and our microwave wouldn’t work.  Fortunately, he did figure it out… I hope.

Our biggest event is learning how to use the new GPS.  Sometimes she is bigger than the both of us.  As we approached Phoenix, I was driving and Spouse was violently wrestling with the GPS.  He hit, and she punched back…  he got me in a really bad part of town before he was able to subdue her and get the directions we needed.  I hope we will all become friends again…

We had a great visit with Jake and Lynn.  We originally met them in Nova Scotia, then bumped into them again in Prince Edward Island.  We have been friends ever since.  We played Skipbo, a card game that they introduced to us.  Lynn won once and Spouse won once.  Whalens -1, Browns -1.  To be continued…

We parked in front of their house going the wrong way so we could open our sliders.  It was a cool evening, great for sleeping.

Tomorrow, the pictures will come…  oh wait… do we have the right cord for the camera?

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