Saturday, July 2, 2011

7-1-2011: You do it. No, YOU do it...

Friday, July 1, 2011: You do it. No, YOU do it...

One of you go get Doug for breakfast.

You do it because I am reading. No, YOU do it because I already did it yesterday. No, You do it. Do we really need to get him? He should know it is breakfast time.

Go get him otherwise neither of you will eat.

I will do it if I don't have to do dishes. But I am reading.


I love kids...

Did a nice power walk around our area. We are in the town of Idanha, about 45 miles east of Salem, Oregon. The campground is everything I think a campground should be. The RV spaces are quite large, with fire rings. When you look out your window, you see trees, not other RVs. The Santiam River runs behind the property, or actually rushes past the property serenading us as she runs. We are secluded and quiet. It is the perfect hybrid between RV camping and tent camping. There are some great tent campsites along the water. Absolutely beautiful here! But they are booked for the holiday weekend so on we must go.

The boys are getting good at helping break down camp. We readied Hannah and headed to Portland. Spouse saw a sign for cheap gas, so even though we still had a half a tank, he actually got off the freeway with all of the traffic to fuel up... Only you needed an 'Oregon' card to get the cheap fuel. So he maneuvered around the trucks and cars to go to another station, which was even more difficult to maneuver in. We left without fuel...

We made some calls and were able to find an RV space at a park 8 miles east of Portland. Things are full for the holiday weekend so we jumped on the spot and the park is very pretty. The spaces have a tree or two and a grassy area with a picnic table. Still too close for my taste but I am sure we will be quite comfortable. They have a recreation room with movies, games, puzzles, etc. Spouse and the boys are off at the movies. I have had a sinus headache all day so I am hanging in Hannah.

I talked to my buddy Albert and we will be getting together for the 4th of July. Spouse and I will be playing some golf tomorrow, and maybe going to the Bluesfest concert on Sunday with Albert. We will see.

I love how light it stays up here. Plenty of daylight til about 9:30. Fireworks probably won't start here til after 10!

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