Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Going Home

June 14, 2010

I woke and took my powerwalk. It is definitely going to be warmer today. We sure did time this event perfectly!

We readied Hannah for the ride home and were on the road before 8:30am. We made a stop to …. (shhhhh), buy some powerful fireworks, then we stopped in Las Vegas to visit my stepmom. It was good to see her. She has lost about 50 pounds and she looked great. My Big Daddy died 4 years ago this week, so it was good to visit so close to that anniversary. Then we headed for the long… boring ride home.

Overall, I think I enjoyed Hannah. For 2 people, I don’t think she saves any money. But I like being able to have home cooked meals. I like not having to pack and unpack. She needs another outlet in the galley area. It would make things easier. And we definitely have to get better with the satellite setup.

Poor old Bart does not like going up the stairs. Depending on how we level Hannah, the steps can get quite steep. He fell a few times so he is leery of them. He is old, and beginning to have health problems. We are dreading the inevitable but hope it is still a wee ways off.

Sooo…. My blogging will go dormant until our next adventure. But wait… we have been home for one whole day and Spouse has not asked me for nailpolish remover… what could this mean?

1 comment:

  1. Test comment.. Was at lake powell, great shots.
