Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 27, 2010

May 27, 2010
This morning, I woke up to a trash truck at 5:22AM. Ugh. Then, it was ‘gentlemen, start your engines’ as some of our neighbors took to the road. In all the camping we have done, there have always been noisy early birds. Fishermen want to be in place before the sun is up whether they are in a campground or a boat. As a waterskiier, I wanted to be on the lake as soon as it was safe to see so that I could have the glassiest water of the day. A different set of noises for a different mode of camping.

Couldn’t go back to sleep so I got up and grabbed my IPOD for a powerwalk. Crap, the battery in the IPOD was dead. Took that back and had to walk without my tunes. Mesquite has been hit hard by the economic downturn. Model homes with only a couple of the homes in the tract actually standing. Closed restaurants here and there.

We played the Palms golf course today in gale force wind. I was hitting the ball very well, shooting a 101. The only drive I screwed up while using my driver happened because the wind blew the ball off the tee as I was swinging! The other hole I screwed up was a par 3 that out to be outlawed! Spouse shot 128, but the ladies tees had some awesome advantages on a few holes. The wind did a few numbers on both Spouse and me. Pretty hard to figure out which club to use and where to hit it, but it is a beautiful course and we enjoyed it nonetheless. But, they would not let me take a pull cart. I had to put my clubs in a cart with Spouse essentially acting as my caddy. Walked the entire front nine. But the back nine had so many hills and blind spots, I had no idea where we were going, so I had to ride between the holes some times. Once we found the hole, I was able to walk again. With nobody in front of us and nobody behind us, we finished the course in less than 4hours.

Bart was happy to see us return. I did a little gambling before we went for Spouse’s $4.99 prime rib dinner. Gambled more after dinner and I am happy to say we left about $400 richer than when we went in!

I love gambling, but I hate smelling like cigarette smoke when I leave! But Hannah has a shower so I completed the fumigation process and relaxed.

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