Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010

Slept in this morning. The trash truck did not come until 5:26! Between the winds and the cigarette smoke, my sinuses are trashed. I drugged up in the night, but that did not seem to help. I finally dragged my butt out of bed by about 6:30, had some coffee, then went on my power walk. I feel bad for Spouse with his plantar fasciitis, but I have to walk… every day. With the IPOD charged, I did my walk, which for me is kind of like a meditation. While I was gone, Spouse is busy chatting with everybody in the park.

We had a coupon for breakfast at the Virgin River casino, so off we went. We are the type of people they do not like… We rushed thru the smoky casino to the feeding troughs, ate, then rushed thru the smoky casino to the exits without spending a penny!

We readied Hannah, catching ourselves doing this when we should have done that, and hit the road. Destination is Hurricane, Utah, about an hour away. We actually made a reservation at an RV park here since today begins the memorial day holiday. We will lie low here for the weekend heading to national parks Monday, when the crowds go home. My sinuses complained all the way here. I dozed all the way up through this beautiful country side where the high desert turns into canyons, then into the dazzling buttes for which Utah is known.

We are in a beautiful park with mature trees and grassy areas. The wind is still blowing and it is a little on the cool side. As Spouse set Hannah up, I went to sleep for a couple of hours. I am not much of a napper, so this made me into a bit of a zombie. Our WIFI is weak. Tomorrow, I will go into the office and set up my blog. For now, it is vodka tonic time! And the Dodger/Colorado game will be on TV, so I will be in heaven.

I pretty much remained a zombie for the rest of the day. As usual, Spouse has made friends with all sorts of people in the park.

1 comment:

  1. they may be friends now, only because you won't be there long enough for them to get to know him.
