Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 29, 2010

May 29, 2010
Today, the RV light bulb went on! I kind of get what people see in towing a big box around! You just kind of hang, and it is fun!

It was a quiet night and even though I napped like I was in a coma for hours, I still slept well through the night. Did I mention it was quiet? No trash trucks this morning! We awoke around 7, and I dozed til about 8! Me! I never sleep that late! I finally dragged my behind out of bed, poured a cup of coffee then started working on one of my crossword puzzles.

It was windy, which seems to be the thing in these here parts, and kind of cool. I did not get myself in gear for my powerwalk til almost 10am. With my IPOD battery appearing to be permanently dead, I ventured into the neighborhood for my exercise. What a beautiful area this is. The homes have a little land, the mountains and buttes are the backdrop, and the air is crisp and clean. We were thinking of leaving Monday for one of the national parks, but now we are not so sure. This is kind of fun!

Many of the people in this park are here for months at a time. They do all sorts of things to personalize their spaces. They plant gardens, arrange potted plants, create pet areas and all sorts of creative things. We rode our bikes around last night checking things out.

Tomorrow, we will be playing golf at the Sky Mountain golf course, so today we went and found it. OH MY GOD! IT is absolutely breathtaking! Sky Mountain is the perfect name for it. Set high on a hill with the mountains and rock formations creating a backdrop beyond belief, if feels like you are flying. And the winds will be dying so we ought to have a memorable time.

After getting some groceries, we decided to come back and be lazy sloths. Since the wifi signal is weak in Hannah’s spot, I decided to come to the office to get the blog going. I really don’t want to futz with it too much. I can’t get the pictures where I want them, it is pissing me off.

We had our neighbor Allen over for dinner. Then our other neighbors Tim and Tina from Tennessee (say that real fast) came over and we played dominoes into the night. I am the reigning queen of dominoes… at least til the next time. And I must admit, I loved having the Dodger game on TV in the background so I could keep tabs on them, even though they lost!

The picture at the top is the kitty condo our neighbors have so their cat can go 'outside' safely!

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