Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010

Today is memorial day. Our wind sock from Playcation is hung outside. It is a variation of the American flag. We decided to stay one more day here in Hurricane to let the traffic subside before we head up to Bryce. We have to be in Farmington on 6/8 so we will be scheduling around that.

I slept in again this morning. I don’t know what is going on by I didn’t get out of bed til almost 8AM. Had some coffee, read a magazine, then readied myself for my powerwalk. Will my IPOD work today???? Could it be??? YES!

Off into the local neighborhood. I love the area around here. There is a mixture of newer homes and old homes, all on big lots. Some have horses, lots of cats and dogs. I befriended a little Sylvester kitty, probably about 6 months old and affectionate as all get out. It was hard to put him down and continue. He started to follow me and I had to work to get him to stay put, but he finally did. The landscaping is varied. Some homes have the easy desert landscaping. The picture at the top is a desert bird of paradise. The flowers are stunning. I have to admit… I have a couple of pods from the flower wrapped in a napkin to see if I can root it at home. My criminal activities now span several states! And now, one of my usual partners in crime wants some… Hollyhocks grow wild along the street. I could probably nurture some back home and would not get them as beautiful as they are here! Some of the plants grow wild in California, yet here, they are used as landscape plants.

We are learning more about Hannah every day. Our neighbor Allen is in RV repairs. He has given us a lot of information on what to do and how to do it. He showed us how to stabilize Hannah some. It has helped, but Spouse still makes it feel like an elephant is walking through Hannah! I wonder if our neighbors would know if we were having sex! I hate to limit it to dark hours… We have been making a few improvements here and there. My favorite is the fan Spouse put in our bedroom. Now that it is warming up a bit, I would love to sleep outside, but you can only pack so much stuff, and that didn’t work.

We checked out the Sand Hollow golf course. There are 27 holes and I did not see one tree. The course looked beautiful, and I understand it is a challenging course to play, but the scenery did not seem as beautiful as Sky Mountain. Then we stopped at Wal-Mart. Spouse wanted a table for outside use. He carefully measured Hannah for dimensions, then the back of the truck and determined which table to buy. He brought it back, and outside of it coming up to my neck, it fits perfectly!

Then I came back to do some serious stuff… I completed my absentee ballot. I put it in the mailbox and now I am good for my vodka tonic. It seems that I must have a VT when I do these journals. It just seems to fit. I must admit, the scenery is not as nice as Playcation, but I do have a baseball game on TV, which I couldn’t do with Playcation. Always a tradeoff…
Shhh… we have been here 3 days and I think Spouse has only been to the Dairy Queen down the street one time… He has been doing most of the cooking so that he can thoroughly know how to do things. I don’t have that same urge… I have cooked… once! I will do more, I promise! Spouse is absolutely loving this. I like it, but I need to do it more to determine if I love it!

You might be asking how Bart is doing. Outside of sitting on the sofa while we are gone… he doesn’t like climbing the stairs to get inside. Lately, we have him on a long leash while we sit outside to read. He lays on the grass, but I don’t think he likes being treated like a common dog! But as long as he is with us, he seems to be happy.

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