Saturday, September 3, 2022

August 31, 2022 Inching West through Nevada


August 31, 2022  Inching West through the middle of Nevada

I was sitting outside with my paternal human and he walked away and left me all by myself.  Sometimes, I am ok with this but there are canines here!  DON’T LEAVE ME!  MOMMY LET ME IN!

My morning walk took me around the town of Baker.  It is a desert town where all the side streets are dirt.  On the road going up to Great Basin is an old rail car that has been converted to a home.  It is on about ½ acre, maybe more as it has a couple of outbuildings.  It is for sale at $599k.  The rail car is 498 square feet…  on a weed patch with a few fruit trees.  There are art sculptures around the property made from scraps of whatever – bottles, bike tires, etc.  It is quite creative.  But, $599 k?  Are you kidding?

I have to apologize to the state of Nevada.  I have said some pretty harsh things, like how ugly the terrain is.  There is a whole lot of ugly desert terrain here.  That terrain totally pegs the boor-o-meter.  That terrain could be used as a sleep aid for insomniacs around the world.

However… there is some terrain that is actually ok, so let’s give credit where credit is due.  There are rolling hills with desert sage, pinion trees and ponderosa pines that are actually interesting to look at.  Maybe not for so many miles but it isn’t bad.  Occasionally you see cattle grazing on some green.  That is ok… We saw a huge sand dune that was kind of cool… broke up the Nevada Brown with some light ecru. 

But, give me the night sky like you did last night outside of Great Basin and I will be much nicer to you. Not only did we see stars, but we saw STARS!  The milky way, satellites, shooting stars and then even more stars!  It was an amazing sky.

We are taking hwy. 50 which is known as the loneliest highway in the country.  It is a great alternative to I80.  It is actually fewer miles to Reno and the speed limit is 65-70 except through towns, of which there are few.  And we saw very few cars… we owned the road and that was really nice.

At one point, we thought of stopping at the town of Austin.  But we blinked and we missed it so we ended up in Fallon.  Inching closer to home…

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