Monday, September 5, 2022

September 4, 2022 Hello goodbye hello goodbye


September 4, 2022  Moving on to Crew and Sunny

My feline friend came over to play with me.  I am not sure about him.  I showed him my paws, but just a little bit.  I let him sniff me and I sniffed him.  I am not sure about him, but I think he is ok, maybe.

I loved my morning walk around the Thoroughbred Loop.  I think I ate all the ripe berries that could be eaten without risking life and limb.  It was quite cool overnight, but by the end of my walk, it was warming up.

We readied Hannah.  One of the little kitties came over to play with Rudy.  They want to play so much, but Rudy isn’t sure.  He gave the tiniest of swats, not aggressive at all and they were able to sniff each other.  They go under Hannah so we can’t see exactly what happens as they hide behind the tires.  I guess what happens beneath Hannah stays beneath Hannah!

Back at the house, we say our goodbyes to Rick and Sue.  It is a bit of a hard visit as Rick has multiple sclerosis.  He was diagnosed over 30 years ago and the disease progressed pretty slowly for years.  But now he is basically confined to a wheelchair, and cannot interact like he has over the years.  I felt bad when Spouse cracked a joke and Rick laughed while he was chewing and nearly choked.  But he was ok and enjoyed the laugh, which was good to see.  Fortunately, he has a beautiful property that can house the caregivers that really take good care of him, and allows Sue some ‘me’ time. 

For us, we are heading to visit our nephew Crew and his wife Sunny.  They bought a home in the town of Ione.  Although we could have taken the scenic hwy. 49 down, it is pretty windy, it is a holiday weekend and we decided to take I80 to 99, then to Liberty Rd… which takes you past Lake Comanche into the middle of nowhere. 

The house has a long driveway, and electricity – perfect fit!  It is 100 degrees, and we can run our air conditioner in Hannah.  Their house is quite nice, it is new with no landscaping or fencing, so they have lots to look forward to.

We are teaching them Skipbo… let’s all sharpen our fangs…

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