Saturday, September 3, 2022

September 2, 2022 Wild Animal Kingdom


September 2, 2022  Wild Animal Kingdom

There are other felines here.  My humans let me sit outside and they came up to me.  They were not mean but I had to show them that my paws are bigger than their paws.  Then a canine came up to me.  I had to hiss and show him my paws.

When we stay at the Bain House, my walk is around the Thoroughbred Loop.  Spouse does part of it with me.  We head down the road from the house.  It is a dirt road all the way to the main street, about a half mile.  Two coyotes run through the brush.  We cross McCourtney Rd and start the loop.  The 6B ranch is looking mighty dry, like most of California.  No horses are in the pasture.  The entire loop is large horse properties with pretty pastures and lots of pine trees.  The geese that roost on Rick and Sue’s pond at night hang out at one of the pastures over here during the day.  I cannot pass up the blackberry brambles.  I eat a few… then a few more… ok, let’s face it… I shoved a bunch down my pie hole!  MMMM Good!  While Spouse turns back about half way, I follow the loop all the way back to McCourtney Rd, then retrace my steps back.  It is about a 3 ½ mile trip door to door.  It is one of my favorite walks.

Back at the house, Scooter the big horse, and Daisy the miniature greet me with little whinnies.  They are thinking I have treats for them now doubt. They have only had Daisy for about a year.  Their other mini-horse got taken down by a bear.  They found her, and asked a trapper about the evidence and he said it was definitely a bear.  Long story

short… let’s just say bear steaks were had by all real soon after.  Since then, they move the horses to the upper pasture at night and haven’t had a problem.  This is the first time this has happened in the 35 years they have been here.  And Scooter and Daisy are inseparable, it is so cute.  But there are bear tracks around the pond…  I hear the theme music from Jaws…

Sue knows there is a bobcat at the south side of their pond that has kittens every year.  And on the upper property is a fox family.  Her help, that live on the property have two kittens, about 8 months old.  They keep them in at night, but I doubt they will last real long.  They are sweet and were very curious about Rudy.  When they got close to him, Rudy gave them a little hiss, and a gentle swat to show who was boss.  And when Charlie the maltipoo ran up to Rudy, he gently showed off his polydactl paws!

And then we visited.  We have known the Bains for 40 years, and had some catching up to do.

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