Sunday, September 4, 2022

September 3, 2022 More Visiting


September 3, 2022  More Visiting

I got to sniff a bunch of stuff today.  My human let me walk around a lot.  But those other felines kind of followed me. 

My morning walk around the Thoroughbred Loop was as beautiful as ever.  On the way back toward the house, 3 deer crossed my path.  Just another day in the Bain Animal Kingdom.  OH… look at that bear scat on the road…

We had to do a little yard work today.  For us to get Hannah out safely, we needed to trim a few trees that were dangling a bit too low.  The barn kitties gave us a little hand, and Rudy watched quite intensely.  Hopefully we did enough.  We will be leaving tomorrow.

In the meantime, more visiting.  Sue gave us a ride in the golf cart around the property.  It is 46 acres, lots to see.  The caretakers are building a chicken coop.  That won’t attract any bears, right? Hmm… bear tracks around the pond…

Visiting, playing Skipbo, eating, drinking…  It is pretty darn nice here! 

It has been warm during the day, but quite cool during the night.  Great for sleeping.  If we close the rig windows in the morning, it doesn’t get too hot during the day.  We don’t even have to use the air conditioner.

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