Friday, September 1, 2017

August 31, 2017 Visiting Sandy

August 31, 2017

My maternal human normally gets up first in the morning.  So, I whine to her for food.  If I have food already, I will go eat it real quick so she will give me more.  Then I will go snuggle with the paternal human.  He will give me lots of food.  I have his number.  I help him groom then he gives me food.  Good deal.

I did a morning walk around the neighborhood, and realized the GPS sent us way out of our way yesterday.  I hate her at times…

Today we are visiting Sandy.  Sandy and I met in 1982 when we roomed together on a safari in Kenya.  She has been living in this area for almost 20 years.  It is always an adventure going to Sandy’s.  She is off the grid on dirt roads and we always get lost.  Today was no exception.  We know how to get to ‘the tunnel.’  Then we have to find the right dirt road.  We go left, we know this is not right. Too much paved road…   We go right.  Is this right?  No, let’s go back.  Maybe it is right but it is further.  Yea, this is good.  But now what…  crap, Spouse just washed the truck.  Why?  Knowing how we get to Sandy’s, why would he wash the truck?  Sure enough, we swim through some mud…  We finally got Sandy on the phone and she guided us past the big bad S curve to her house.

The cabin from across the way

Sandy lives in a little casita off the grid.  She started to build a log cabin, but ran into some circumstances, and ran out of money.  The cabin has killer views of the pecos valley, but, alas, it will never be finished on site.  Her brood of dogs greeted us and we all visited.  Spouse and I took a walk around.  It is a beautiful area.  The roads are challenging but there are a few nice homes out here.  One of her dogs (Felipe Navidad) is now our new best friend…

We visited, we ate.  Thankfully, Sandy made some food that was somewhat healthy!  YAY!  And it was good. Even though it is kind of difficult to live off the grid, there is an undeniable beauty here.  Maybe the next time we come, we can do it without getting lost.    We left right before dark, and didn’t get home till almost 9pm.  Rudy was going to tear our throats out…

Last year while we were on our trip, I lost a dear friend in Glen Spreen.  This year, I lost another dear friend, Shelia Baker.  It is her birthday today…  I hope to break this jinx next year.

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