Friday, September 1, 2017

August 30,2017 Back in New Mexico

August 30, 2017

MEOWT!  MEOWT!  I really like it outside here.   I am happy just sitting in a chair watching.  I don’t think my humans brought enough chairs though.

After our morning walks, we readied Hannah.  From this point on, we are somewhat is a business mode.  We need to get to Farmington, but first, we have a few visits.  Today, we got on I25 south.  To the east, plains.  To the west, plains with the mountains in the background.  The plains turn green, add some ponderosa pines, add some rolling hills and some canyon sunflowers.  After the town of Trinidad, we head into the Raton pass.  It crests at around 7900 feet, and is lined with pretty pines and alpine meadows. 

As we cross into New Mexico, we leave the mountains behind.  The plains are green with loads of canyon sunflowers making it quite a pretty landscape.  We see antelope grazing amid the cattle.  I am driving, which I think makes Spouse nervous.  OH well.

We headed into Las Vegas, New Mexico at the Elks Club.  It is not pretty, but it works.  The significance of this location is that it is somewhat close to where my friend Sandy lives.  She is in the boonies so this is a reasonable drive.  We thought of doing other campgrounds, but with the holiday weekend coming, we didn’t want to drive all over to find campsites are all reserved.  So, this is easy.  We aren’t here for the camping per se.  But they sure do have a fast internet!

What, no pictures???  not today

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