Friday, September 8, 2017

September 8, 2017 Making a run for home!

September 8, 2017

I don’t know what is happening.  The big house that moves is shaking.  I will snuggle to my maternal human.

Why is Spouse moving the trailer?  What the heck is he doing?  Oh wait… he is in bed…  oooooh… that is wind.  And look at the lightening!  WOW!  And rain!  And thunder…  I drifted back to sleep. 

We woke up at around 5am.  The wind seems to have passed, but not the lightening and rain.  We turn on the TV to get the weather.  Severe weather is all around the region.  We are so thankful we did not stay in that other RV park on the desert floor near Oatman.  Good call!   The weather man says we should get a little break in our area around 6:45.  And that is when we made a run for it!

We took 95 south towards Needles.  The road is ok, but there are brand new lakes all around the road.  The weather is still threatening.  Spouse stops to top off the gas tank.  Good thing here too.  In Arizona, diesel was $2.59.  Five miles down the road in Needles, it was $3.99 and $4.09!  Talk about a royal screw job!

It is all of 7:30 am and Spouse is hungry.  He has to eat NOW.  He pulls over on the side of the freeway to make his meal.  Really?  A rest stop isn’t good enough?  He is soooo food motivated.  I won’t go into the details of the ride from there.  We had no more rain.  The ride on I40 is almost as boring as the ride on I15.

We got home around 1pm.  After over 5000 miles, Hannah needs her bed repaired as well as the TV antenna.  Outside of that, she seems ok.  As for our house….  My orchids looked phenomenal.  My friend that watered is amazing!  But we will have to drain the spa, and boy do I have some weeding and yardwork to do.  Let’s not talk about the mail.

We got most of the stuff unloaded and put away.  And I made a nice creole dinner.  It actually has healthy stuff in it…  time to get our diet back on track.

For now, I will listen to the Dodger game and watch the Angel game.  And Rudy is so happy to be home.

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