Friday, September 1, 2017

September 1, 2017 Staying close to home

September 1, 2017

MEOWT!  MEOWT!  I want to go outside and play but my humans won’t let me run free.  MEOWT!

Today is the Friday of the Labor Day weekend.  We chose to basically stay off the road.  We stayed local and took a look at what Las Vegas, New Mexico really is.  OH, and Spouse washed the truck … again…

After our morning walks, we headed to Storrie Lake.  It is a state park only 3 miles from the Elks Club.  It is a shallow lake, and we can see all the reserved spots are roped off.  It is not real crowded.  There are spots for RVs with electricity, and some with water.  I think we have a Los Angeles attitude about the holiday weekend.  At home, things would be booked and crowded.  I don’t think that would be the case here.  We orchestrated around not driving on Friday and Monday, and it probably wasn’t needed.  Oh well.

Let’s go check out the Wildlife Refuge nearby.  Lots of beautiful meadows covered in bright yellow Broom Snakeweed.  There are ponds with lots of water fowl.  At one point, we stopped to listen to the geese gaggle.  We saw some hawks, but other wildlife doesn’t come out in the middle of the day.  We know better, but we are on our schedule, not theirs…  Was that lightening?  Better get off this dirt road so Spouse doesn’t have to wash the truck again!

What is the downtown like?  There is the Highlands University.  It is a huge, modern university.  Right up the street is the historic Santa Fe Trail and a cute city center with a square with a park in the middle, hotel and shops all around.  Very cute.  There are a lot of stately homes, most of them crying for some sandpaper and paint.  It really is quite a large town, which is not evident from the highway.  It’s amazing what is out there off the major highway…

When we got back to the Elks Club, there were other RVs there!  Holiday weekend…  But we got our spot!  We will leave tomorrow for Bernalillo, and visiting with my nephew and his family through the holiday weekend.  We actually have a reservation – at a place we stayed at before and Spouse liked.  It is a rare thing for us to make a reservation.

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