Monday, September 4, 2017

September 4, 2017 Name that paw print

September 4, 2017

There are so many humans here!  What is going on?   The little human keeps following me around.  I try to hide and she finds me.  Here comes my maternal human.  SAVE ME!  Mew!  Not the little human again…  Mew!

It was a warm night for sleeping outside, but it did cool off.  Bob actually got cold.  I was good.  Hayden seemed ok.  But, neither Bob nor Jen slept too well.  Bob woke up with a migraine so we sent him home (all of 10 minutes away).  Jen, the kids and I went on a walk to the Pueblo.  Spouse stayed back and made breakfast.

There was actually staff at the pueblo today.  Every time I have walked there, it hasn’t been open.  Little did I know there was a fee for entry.  Ooops…  She told us to go ahead and walk the trail along the river, so we did.  Ellie and Hayden were quite the troopers.  We saw a coyote run across the trail.  It was pretty furry for a coyote.  I was told it might have been a Mexican wolf.  We also saw some weird paw prints in the sand.  One set was canine – maybe the wolf/coyote.  The other prints were much smaller.  We smelled a skunk, so maybe they were skunk prints.  However, one of the prints looked like it might have been an iguana.  It had prints on both sides of what looked like a tail.  Maybe a gila monster, who knows.  The trail follows the Rio Grande and ended in a beautiful cottonwood grove.  It was a nice walk and I totally enjoyed the kids.  To all of you who know how I feel about kids… I actually REALLY enjoyed it!  Who knew?

Living proof that some kids will survive after I spend time with them!

Back at camp, Spouse had breakfast ready for us.  Since Bob left, we took Jen and the kids home, along with our laundry…  We had enough clothes for another week, but we are not sure how much longer we will be, so now we are good for a while, probably enough to get us home… I hope…

It was a great visit with them, but alas… we must get back to Hannah in preparation for the next leg of our journey…  Rudy appreciates the solitude!

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