Thursday, September 7, 2017

September 5, 2017 On to Farmington

September 5, 2017

Oh!  All the other humans are gone!  And my maternal human is sitting.  I have to go curl my paws on her.  Hi maternal human!   I missed you.  Lemme curl my paws.  My purr box is really going.  Curl… curl.    Hi human, curl, curl, curl…  time to nap… on my human. 

Spouse and I woke up early so we figured we would get on the road to Farmington early.  Going north on 550 by 7am, there was a whole lot of rush hour traffic going south.  We have done this drive before… and again… and again…  It is really kind of pretty, just not over and over again.  It is high desert and buttes.  We stopped in Cuba for breakfast, then continued from the desert, over the pass with pines on the plains.  Ok, I won’t boor you with the details.

Instead, let’s talk about NM bingo.  Jennifer and Bob invented a game where you score points based on things you see in New Mexico.  For instance, if you see a Dollar General store, you get points.  If you see a Family Dollar in the same town, double points!  You get points if you see a washing machine in a yard.  More points for 5 cars (nothing less than 5 gets points) in a yard.  Oh, that is NON-WORKING cars…  Need I go on?  This is New Mexico.

Spouse and I made it to Farmington, staying at the Elks Club.  It is perched on a hill with a nice view.  We did not know what to expect when we got to our park, but it was better than we expected.  YAY!   A little bit of ‘enforcing’ with Spouse walking around with the manager ought to do the trick for now.

Since we didn’t get a walk in the morning, we took a walk along the Animas river.  They have carved trails into a nice Riverwalk.  Old groves of cottonwood trees create beautiful canopies.  There are deer and lots of skunks.  You definitely have to watch your step so you don’t accidentally piss one off.  They kept their tails raised facing away from us, which is a good thing, but the area smelled like skunk.  The way Rudy sniffed my hand made me question if there was a skunk scent on me.  I can’t smell it, but Rudy sure likes it!  Maybe I better shower so Rudy doesn’t chew my arm off…

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