Friday, July 19, 2013

July 18: Do you think we should take that road?

July 18, 2013:  Do you think we should take that road?

Me-ack-ack-ow!  I see it.  It is on the ceiling.  Me-ack-ack-ow!  It moved... I know it is mine... Me-ack-ack-ow!  Wait!  Daddy is picking me up.  I can't take my eye off the prize.  Oh, he is lifting me, lemme get it!  I missed it!  I lost sight of it.  Where is it?  Wait... Daddy is getting it.  How could he?  It's mine!  How could he take my prize?  Oh, he is giving it to me.  It is mine... yummy.

It is 4:35 in the morning and it is daylight.  I love having electricity so I can see the clock!  But 4:35?  I am going back to sleep.  How do vampires get anything done up here with so little dark time!

This morning, I left Slow and Slower and did a power walk on my own.  No bears to worry about, just my IPOD and me.  The mountains are shrouded in clouds.  It has rained a bit off and on through the night and it is still damp.  I am wearing my rain poncho.  I really love my morning walks and I have not been able to do them all the time while traveling.  It is not that I am not getting exercise with my hikes and all.  But my morning walk is a mental thing as well as physical and sometimes there is a time issue or a location issue that just interferes.   But today I could squeeze one in.

When I got back, we readied Hannah, and decided to eat some 'home cooking' in the restaurant out front.  Good food and no clean up.  Gotta love it!  We then continue south towards the city of Kamloops.  Funny name, but not exactly a tiny berg.  The odd thing is, as we approach the city, like a light switch we go from the green mountains with pine trees to the brown mountains of high desert.  There are a few pine trees at the top but essentially, it is brown.  The N. Thompson River continues to flow through.

We stopped at an RV place hoping to get a part for Hannah. He recommended we stop in Abbotsford, which is right at the US border.  So, on we head on Canada 1, the scenic route.  It is brown, but the river runs through.  The river turns into a gigantic lake.  Actually, it is a series of lakes but who knows where one ends and the other begins.  It is miles and miles of glassy water and not one water skier out there.  I am vibrating in place at the water I would so love to ski!  But on we go.  The road turns south, continuing along the Thompson River.  Eventually, the pine trees start reappearing and the mountains start turning green once again.   But it is hot... almost 100.  River rafts are floating down somewhat tame rapids.  Pretty.

If we hustle, we can make Abbotsford, but who wants to hustle!  We see a sign outside of the town of Boston Bar for an RV park.  Ooops!  We missed the turn.  Let's try this again.  Looking at the road... Spouse, do you really want to do this?  And on we go.  The road is a dirt road with big ruts.  It is narrow.  We actually have to use the 4 wheel drive to get up the hill... towing Hannah... really?  What kind of RV park could be back here?  Another one of those roads where one wrong move is a Thelma and Louise!  Crew and I have already decided that if Spouse has to back this puppy up, we are getting out and walking!  And I will take Rudy with me!

We continue.  The road gets narrower, and the signs read to yield to the downhill vehicle.  We don't see one so hopefully, we are ok.  We continue on. We really have no choice to continue on as there is no place to turn around!   We eventually see the Blue Lake Resort.    They don't have full hookups, but they have electricity, which is most important so we can run the air conditioning.   We cram ourselves into our spot (remember, we cannot detach Hannah from the truck, so we need almost 60 feet of space).

We are at Blue Lake.  It is a tiny lake where the locals come, not exactly on your higher end of clientele.  There is a sign barring profanity.  I imagine weekends may get quite rowdy!  Spouse and Crew went for a swim in the lake.  And tonite, we have to get rid of all of our firewood as we cannot cross into the states with it, so... let the bonfire reign!


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