Friday, July 26, 2013

July 25: Knee slapper

July 25, 2013
I know the rat is in here.  Let me try and pull the door open.  Try.  Try.  Harumph... MEOW!  Play rat with me-ow!

Great fire last night. It was hot, hot, HOT and the air was cold, cold, COLD!

 This morning, I took a power walk along the lake.  They do a good job of making this a playground.  Lots of secluded picnic tables, places to clean fish and even fire pits.  While I was walking the lake, Slower was walking around the campground, and Slow sat on his ass and read.  He has no inclination to explore.  Or for that matter, he is inert!  Want him?  Free for the asking...

 We readied Hannah for departure and headed south on 101.  There are lakes, the dunes, water inlets, hiking trails.  The ultimate A.D.D. playground!  We stopped for Spouse to rent a dune buggy.  We get our helmets and since I am the short one, I get the back seat.  I am tightly strapped in and off we go. 

The first thing Spouse does is a wrong turn and we get hung up on a log.  Now it is a half log...  Then we hit the dunes.  Power up the hill!  Wheee!  Go down... whack!  My knee hits the seat.  Reposition.  Up the next hill... fast!  Wheee!  Whoa, down the next hill - whack... my knee its again.  Reposition...  Now up the big hill... fast!  Wheeee!   Wow, down this way and down that way!  Whack the other knee twice!  Ok, this is just killing my knees so I get dropped off and the guys can go tear it up.  And they did.  And they got stuck and almost needed to call for an SOS, but other riders came and they were able to lift the buggy out of trouble.  It was fun, but I guess I am not a backseat girl!

Continue south.  Beautiful ocean views guide us along.  We stop to get some driftwood and continue south.  Rudy decides to plop on my lap for a change.  Sweet little guy that he is, he usually is on the center console so I am feeling special!  Once again, we only make about 120 miles today.  We are in the southern tip of Oregon along a beautiful river with lots of blackberries for me to feed on.  MMMMMM!

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