Monday, July 8, 2013

July 6: The scenic route

July 6, 2013:  The scenic route

Got up and watched Thunder Paws tear around Hannah for his morning entertainment.  I shed Slow and Slower and went unfettered for a good morning walk.  With no threat of bears, both earbuds of the IPOD were in and off I went.  I went this way, then turned that-a-way.  Found a fishing hole, then a walking trail.  Look at the aspens, and the Jefferson River, and the cottonwoods... very pretty.  Oops, better turn around.  Oh, look at the bunnies... look at the coyote.  He is pouncing, I wonder if he got one of the bunnies...

 After a good breakfast, we readied Hannah and departed the cute Camp Three Forks RV Park.  We headed west on I90.  Our intent was to go north on Hwy 69, so we got off the exit as indicated.  It doubled back the way we came.  We followed the signs.  Then they switched from numbers to city names.  Wait, we KNOW which highway we want, but we don't know which city we want!  I was driving so Spouse was navigating and he wasn't quick enough to tell me that I was missing the turn.  In about a half mile, we were right back at I90!  Huh?  Why do they have us double back 5 mile when if you get off the previous off ramp, you only have about 1/2 mile to go?  Somebody was laughing that they 'got another tourist in their trap!'  Screw it, we decided to take I90 to I15.  It is a longer route, but more scenic.

 Up till now, we have had rolling pastures and farms with mountainous backdrops.  As we near I15, the rugged mountains creep closer in.  Pine trees hug the mountains and it is quite beautiful.  As we approach Butte, we notice that a lot of mining activity has robbed the mountains of their souls. 

We turned north onto I15 and into more mountains, more pasturelands, more trees, lakes and streams... total eye candy.  For 60 miles we are forced to look at this scenic byway.  We get to Helena, which is the capital of the state.  Time to fuel up.   We go to Wal-Mart to renew Spouse's prescriptions.  We are not necessarily Wal-Mart fans but they are great when traveling.  Annoy-O-Boy is shocked and appalled that there appear to be NO Taco-Bells in the capital of the great state of Montana.  Yet they sell Taco Bell products at the Wal-Mart.  What gives?

Rudy has gotten quite comfortable riding on his pad on the center console of the truck.  He has fans wherever he goes.  We were at a gas station and one lady could not believe how calm he was.  We let her pet him.  One man walked by a couple of times, waving to Rudy as he sat up watching.  I like that I don't have to have him on my lap all the time.  Sometimes he will come to me, but for the most part, he is happy on his console.

 When we finished our business, we headed west on Highway 12.  Supposedly, this is not a scenic route.  Huh!  Could have fooled me.  Miles of beautiful pastureland, farms and piney mountain backdrops followed us all the way to Highway 141 north.  Another non-scenic highway... yeah right.  Occasionally, we would see a lone tree on the side of the road decorated with Christmas garlands and ornaments.  Turn left at Highway 200... more non-scenic eye candy.

Finally, we get to Highway 83, the real scenic byway!  We see Salmon Lake and folks boating, swimming and waterskiing.  We stopped at a state campground (no hookups) and even on this holiday weekend, we were able to get a spot!  We are in Lake Seeley.  We have been warned about the mosquitoes...

The temperature is probably in the mid 70's so we are quite comfortable without air conditioning, especially with the pine trees surrounding us.   Lots of boats with people water skiing and fishing.  Pine trees come down to the water.  The water temperature is in the 70's.  We walked around and talked to a guy who moved to Montana from ... Sunland/Tujunga.  It follows us everywhere!
Pictures forthcoming...

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