Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 29, 2017 Getting High and eating

August 29, 2017

It is a fresh morning.  I want to run!  I want fly!  I see my human’s paw… I must attack it!  Is that a movement???  I must get it.  I must fly because I am THUNDERPAWS, king of the morning!

I hate this laptop…  argh….  Ok, got that off my chest.

This morning we walked into Old Colorado City and had breakfast at the Bon Ton on their beautiful patio.  I walked ahead to get some exercise.  When Spouse showed up, he told me he bought some Egg Mcmuffins for a homeless guy.  Soft heart…  When he didn’t finish his food, he had it boxed up and gave that to a homeless guy too.   All through town, we see homeless, and people begging on the streets.  Looks like quite the problem in this neck of the woods.

After breakfast, we headed up to Pike’s Peak.  Once you enter through the kiosk, it is roughly a 20 mile drive… up.  The road is windy and we are surrounded by woods; pines and aspens.  As we climb, the vistas are quite stunning.  Then we start to climb.  Did I mention that the road goes up?  It gets windier, and there are few guardrails, mainly for the downhill travelers at the hairpin turns.  At about 11,000 feet, there is a kiosk where, on your way down, they check your breaks.  If they are too hot, you have to stop at the store there and let them cool.  It is steep.  We climb.  At 12,000 feet, we leave the treeline behind.  It is a rocky landscape with what looks like tundra as a ground cover.  The road gets smaller and even windier.  The drop-offs are steep and there are no guardrails.  If you are afraid of heights, this is not the road for you.  Ultimately, we reach the summit at 14,115 feet.  It was nearly 80 degrees when we started.  At the summit, it is 46 degrees.  We are in shorts and tee shirts.  I have a long sleeve shirt and a jacket.  Spouse does not.  There is a breeze making it feel even colder.  The views are incredible as we wander the top.  If this is too much, there is always the train that comes up from Manitou Springs.  How bad can that be… the railroad is only 120 years old and hugs the side of cliffs.  What could possibly go wrong?

On the way down, we stopped to climb some rocks.  It is slow going as the air is so thin.  I guess we didn’t feel we got high enough…  Our breaks checked out cool and we slowly descended.  I thought it would be scary coming down, but it wasn’t… thankfully!

We decided to drive by the Broadmoor Hotel.  It is similar to the Banff Springs Hotel.  Beautiful homes surround the area, but we didn’t go in.  It was amazing how our GPS sent us a real stupid way there, and a more sane way back.  Go figure…

Dinner tonite was with Tom and Sandy Yukman.   I worked with Tom back in the 1980’s.  We had so much in common.  We went skiing in Banff, water skiing at Lake Powell, and we golfed here and there.  We have kept in touch through the years and here we were again.  Fabulous dinner of Greek food.  Sandy retired 3 years ago, and Tom is just about there too.  They are selling it all and going on the road, hoping to spend half the year in Alaska, then do time in Kauai and Colorado.  Life is good for them.  And for us for that matter.  Another splendid evening.  Tom deposited salmon, halibut, elk and caribou in our freezer…  We gave them some of Spouse’s yellowtail.  We got the better end of the deal!

We have GOT to stop eating…

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