Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 10 My Walk is in the Toilet


Tuesday September 10, 2024 The toilet vs. Wilder Ranch

My maternal human poked me again, but then she rubbed my muzzle with her muzzle.  I think she likes me.  I did the muzzle bump in the night.  I ran my purr box too.  She pushed me away.  I wonder why?

It is so tranquil at this RV park.  It is a little bit hard to get moving in the morning.  I did my knee rehab, then got ready for my walk.  Went to the bathroom… flushed the toilet…  and it wouldn’t stop flushing!  The valve is filling the toilet with water!  NOOOOO!

Spouse turned off the water to Artee.  We do not have a sewer hookup in this site so we can’t be filling our tanks.  Under normal circumstances, it should be easy to go a full week without emptying our tanks.  But we can’t let the water run.  If this would have happened in the middle of the night, we would not have noticed the water running and it would have been a major flood!  YIKES!

Dr. Brown started the diagnostics.  To get the model info, we had to use a mirror.  This is good… Spouse is dyslexic using a mirror.  Do you think he will get this right???  Utube… hmm, couldn’t find the model number.  Call a mobile repair… no cell service.  Hmm… RV repair in Santa Cruz…  Finally, Spouse realizes the cost of a new toilet is probably cheaper than a mobile repair.  So, my walk is scrapped and we head to SC.  He had the model number wrong…  surprise!  But they could figure out the model from his transposed numbers.  The toilet will not be here til tomorrow.  In the meantime, we have to turn the water off.  We can turn the water pump on sparingly, especially during the middle of the night.  But we must be careful.  Argh…

Well, we intended to do a bike ride at Wilder Ranch State Park.  If we had known where the RV shop was, we could have had all our bike stuff in the truck and left from there.  Instead, we had to head back.  We decided to follow our phone’s mapping up highway 9.  Beautiful, winding road.  Thankfully we were not towing!  But we did see that we could enter our RV park from that direction, after all, just using a different road… that the GPS wouldn’t tell us about.  Both GPS devices kept it secret.  I hate them, and I hate that we need them!

Back at Artee, we ate, then packed up the truck with our bike stuff and headed to our bike ride.  

Wilder Ranch State Park runs along the ocean.  Wind swept coastal grasses cover the terrain as we stand on beautiful bluffs overlooking Monterrey Bay.  We can see all the way over to Monterrey as it is clear.  It is sunny, but quite cool.  I only needed one layer of clothes. Each cove has something to offer.  Some have billions of sea lions.  Others have pelicans.  Then there is a gorgeous sandy beach.  The trail is a nice wide trail… until it isn’t.  It turns into a tiny rutted trail.  I had trouble navigating it, even taking a fall when my pedal hit the ground.  I showed those berry brambles who was boss…  Some other bikers told us to come onto the farm road as it is easier.  We jumped on that!  Riding past the onions and brussel sprouts, the trail then turned into another rutted road, this time with 2 ruts.  We followed it for another mile or so before as it was a bit easier to navigate, but I was spending all my time watching the road, not looking at the scenery.  So we turned around.  The road goes on for another 30 miles, but we had gone far enough.

We loaded the bikes and headed home… to Artee… with its limited water usage… I had to shower in the RV bathroom…  Hopefully, the toilet comes in tomorrow, otherwise…  

Rudy tested normal today for his diabetes.  I gave him lots of kisses.

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