Friday, September 13, 2024

September 12, 2024 Heading North


Thursday, September 12 Moving North

My paternal human gives food to these big black birds.  They eat in front of me.  I hope he is not giving them MY food!  I must watch them.

Spouse and I did our walk in the Henry Cowell Redwoods Park.  There are so many trails to take.  Spouse stayed for a while, then I went longer on my own.  It is a getaway day so I don’t want to be gone too long, but it is so beautiful here, I hate to go back.  But I do.

We get Artee ready.  Rudy is going to hate to leave.  He loves watching all the birds around here.  Spouse has been putting peanuts out for the crows and they make faces at Rudy.  He is not amused…

We put in our GPS data.  She (aka the bitch, aka the other woman) wants to take us up the tiny side streets to get out of town.  NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

Let’s have a little GPS lesson.  Our Garmin (the bitch) knows that we are towing, how long, how tall, how heavy we are.  Google maps knows none of that.  So when Google gives you a route, you have to be careful.  We followed it on one of our excursions and would have been homicidal if we had been towing.  But technically, it was the shortest route.  Garmin just has brain farts.  And boy do they stink! The Great Felton Debacle as it is now known, is just one example of fartdom.  Through the years, the bitch and I have battled over which route to take.  I always have a paper map on my lap and I have caught her in all sorts of lies.  Yes, she may get you where you want to go, but some of the routes she chooses are insane.  Until Fenton-gate, Spouse would defend her (thus, her title of ‘the other woman’).  He would say she is doing this because we are towing, and maybe we shouldn’t take that road.  Hey, if a semi can take that road, so can we!  After the Great Felton Debacle, I think Spouse might listen to me more.  Might…

Anyhow, I liked the route she picked for us to get to Petaluma.  Where Google wanted to take us north through the east bay, then pay a toll to go over a bridge, Garmin wanted to take us up I285, then 1, then over the Golden Gate Bridge, with no toll going north. 

But before that, we have to get out of Felton.  We now know our own way to Hwy 17.  It is 2 lanes each way, with a lot of k-rails along the right side.  The road is a bit narrow, and mountainous with lots of pines.  People go fast, but we do not.  We actually hang out behind a truck and stick to the speed limit.  There is no margin for error and we don’t want to be bullied into speeding up, so we just take our time.  When it says slow to 40, it means it!  Now onto I285 north.  It actually is quite pretty.  Rolling hills dotted with oaks to the east.  Lots more trees on the west side.  4 wide lanes for the light traffic makes for easy driving.  Then we get to Hwy 1…  As we expected…  it is slow.  We are in an area in San Francisco that looks densely populated.  Tiny row houses cram the streets. Traffic is slow at first.  After about a mile, it picks up a little. Only 5 miles to the bridge, and we can tough that out.

Spouse is tense crossing the Golden Gate Bridge.  He was better once he got in the center lane.  I enjoy the view.  It is windy and there are a bazillion sailboats out tearing across the bay.  Alcatraz stares at me as does Angel Island.  We went to Angel Island when we had our boat.  Totally interesting.  Essentially, the Ellis Island of the west.  Once across, we find our way to the Elks in Petaluma…

We have reserved space 10… but there is somebody in it… I look at the reservation on Spouses phone… it starts tomorrow! Not sure who screwed the pooch on this one, but it is ultimately irrelevant. Fortunately, they had one space open and it happened to be a space that was really easy to get into.  Guess we have an extra day here.  We have no reservations after this so it is no big deal.  But… we look at the site that we need to move into tomorrow…  This is going to be ugly.  There is not a lot of swing room up front.  It might take us 3 days just to back in…  Oh well, that is tomorrow.

For now, I see some berries along the back fence that need to be eaten…

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