Monday, September 9, 2024


Wednesday, September 4, 2024   Getting Started

My humans have the big house that moves now.  I inspected it.  I know that means we are going somewhere.  I used to go outside and hide when I knew we were going, but my humans make me stay inside now.  I will hide real good inside.

It has been a rather busy year for me healthwise.  I injured my knee skiing so I needed to have my ACL repaired.  It is quite a surgery where the graft a cadaver tendon in place.  Then I get 6-9 months of rehab.  Physical therapy started at twice a week for 3 months, then once a week.  I had the surgery 5/9.  The reason I had to wait til May is I needed a hysterectomy first.  I sooo know how to have fun. 

But alas, I have some time and we are hitting the road.  Our intent is to go north.  We will start in San Luis Obispo to visit friends, continue to the redwoods in Santa Cruz, then north of SF, we will go along the coast.  It has been a lot of years since we went that way, so why not.

We got Artee all packed up.  Rudy always supervises.  As we are loading things, he perches on some piece of furniture and does what a cat does…  nap.

But then, it is time to go.  Where is Rudy?  We locked him in.  Did he escape? Aha!  He is under our bed.  As I grab, he holds on to the carpet and we have a bit of a tug of war.  He is one strong pussy cat!  I ultimately win, and plop him in the truck where he curls up comfortably on the center console. 

On to the 101 north, through the perpetual construction.  It is an easy drive up to San Luis Obispo.  We are staying at the Elks.  We have friends in Morro Bay we will be visiting…  until we get a text that our friend Laurie slipped in a drainage ditch while playing golf and totally trashed her knee.  She couldn’t walk and needed to go to urgent care.  My concern… did she make the putt?  Well, she will be spending some time with her leg elevated and probably a surgery…  oh well.

We arrive and set up.  Rudy likes it here.  He wants us to take him for a walk.  He must sniff everything.

A night of relaxation.  Spouse has downloaded some movies.  We will watch one tonight.

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