Wednesday, September 18, 2024

September 17 Pealing our butts around

Tuesday, September 17 Pedaling our asses Off

My humans always use this hole with water.  They splash the water with their paws onto their muzzles.  I jump up as I want the water for me to drink.  I have to push them out of the way so I can fit, but I do it!

It is very quiet at this park, and I love it!  My morning walk started with Spouse where we walked around the RV park.  We found some berry brambles with some ripe blackberries.  Couldn’t pass that up!  Then we walked a bit on Hwy 1.    Spouse headed back and I crossed the hwy (think Frogger) and went up a side street which ultimately took me to a botanical garden. 

Oh bummer…  An incredible vegetable garden was on display as were the dahlias!  Oh so showy!  There are several trails, some go to the ocean, some go to????.  Maybe I will get more time to explore here.

Back at Artee, Spouse talked to someone who said we can catch a bike trail not far out of the RV park.  So, we off loaded the bikes, and headed onto Hwy 1.  This is not my favorite riding, but there is a decent bike lane and it is only for…  Turn left at the Taco Bell…  Where the heck is the Taco Bell??  After nearly 3 miles, we made the turn into the Noyo parkland. 

We are in windswept grasses on bluffs overlooking the ocean.  Pretty f’n magnificent!  We follow the trail, gawking at the rocks, the whitecaps, the supreme beauty.  

Then we come onto Glass Beach.  Here is where bazillions of pieces of glass, that have been tumbled in the ocean, wash ashore.  Now they are nice and smooth.  You are not supposed to collect the glass.  So we didn’t, along with a bunch of other people that didn’t, I am sure!  My first trip down to the beach was a disaster in the making.  It looked rugged, but do-able. I contorted down…  Oh… hell no… this is NOT the place where someone with a recently surgically repaired knee should be.  I hadn’t gone far, but I had to really work to get back up.  We found an easier trail down.  It was fun pawing through the sand picking up bits of glass.  They were small, I am sure if you really hunt, you can find bigger pieces.  Think of this… this glass was trash at some point, now people are hunting for it as if it is treasure!

Since we were in this part of town, we headed over to the Skunk train to get some details.  Spouse wants to ‘bike’ ride the rails.  It turns out it is only half the ripoff he thought it was, as the price he saw was for 2 people, not one.  And then (no judgement, please) he got a military discount!  Still a bit of a ripoff, but hey, it is our 42d wedding anniversary tomorrow, so why not, right?

We pedaled back, and ended up at the Noyo River Grill, which is perched on a hill overlooking a bay.  Excellent food…

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