Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 9 Ahh, the redwoods!


Monday, September 9, 2024  Redwoods make me sleepy

My maternal human poked me again!  I am not happy!  My paternal human poked me too!  I am hungry.

With the redwoods towering above us, it is a bit hard to tell if it is morning.  The clock says it is, so it wouldn’t lie, right?  After my knee rehab, we decided to explore in the forest.  There are quite a few trails right out of the RV park.  We follow the small trails to a wider trail which takes us to the railroad tracks and a bridge crossing a river.  Someone told us to cross the tracks, and like fools, we did.  It is not easy walking across that high up, especially when you see a nice easy foot bridge just below.  The trains don’t run mid week, but it was still a bad idea.  We ditched the tracks for the comfy foot trails that took us into Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park. 

Massive redwoods tower above with their enormous trunks.  They all have stories to tell.  Some have scars from lightening hits.  Some have incredible burls.  There are also alders, sycamores, ferns and berry brambles.  I did NOT need my sunglasses nor my visor!  We worked our way to the Visitor Center.  Back on the trail, we headed back… not on the railroad tracks. The thing here… there are no markings on the various foot paths.  Hmm, I recognize that one…  I don’t think we came this way… wait?  I think that’s the trail.  We ultimately made it back.  We basically skipped breakfast and went right to lunch!

We decided to explore Santa Cruz a bit.  We will be riding bikes at Wilder Ranch State Park tomorrow and we checked that out.  We walked the wharf with all of its shops and barking seals.  The ocean wind is COLD!  I know you all are sweltering down there, but it is cold here!  The scenery is amazingly like Santa Barbara.

Then we headed back.  Yes, the GPS bitch kicked in.  But I am now using my phone as a back up.  Yes, she tried to send us on the wild goose chase back in Felton.  We didn’t fall for it this time!  HAH!  Take that!

When we got back, we figured we would transfer the bike rack from Artee to the truck.  Essence of clusterf@%k kicked in once again…  As we disassembled the bike rack, Spouse notice there was a missing handle.  Is that what we scraped yesterday???  Better go check the turnaround.  We hopped in the truck and sped to the place we scraped.  Nothing to be found… yet.  We will have more opportunities as Spouse was in such a hurry to find this handle that he forgot that he had placed pieces of the rack on the trucks bumper…  Let’s just say we made the round trip to the turnaround place several times.  We did find our lock that fell off, but nothing else.  The rack is good to go, just not as tight when on the truck. 

Rudy’s diabetic numbers are high once again.  I have a feeling it is like a woman with a diabetic pregnancy.  His numbers were totally normal before we left, but once on the road, they jumped up.  We gave him insulin for the first time in over 4 months.  We did not bring enough supplies if his numbers continue for too long.

Another beer, vodka tonic!

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