Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024 Rejoice! WE have a working toilet!


Wednesday September 11 Rejoice!

My maternal human took me on a long walk today.  I got to smell all sorts of plants and sticks and stuff.  I almost got a little birdie, but my human scared it away.  I got to sniff these big trees.  They are so big that even my mighty polydactl paws would not let me climb it!

After my morning knee rehab, we had a good breakfast so we could spend some time hiking in Henry Cowell.  We have learned that when leaving the RV park, if we keep left, just about any trail will take us there.  We will NOT be taking the railroad tracks over the trestle…

There are miles of trails in the park.  There are woodsy bike trails, and woodsier hiking trails that follow a river and the various creeks that feed it.  Ferns hang down mountainsides.  The sound of the water babbling down a hillside is intoxicating.  We hiked the hiking trail one way, and came back on the bike trail.  At the train trestle, Spouse headed back while I continued along the river.  I could see bits of our RV park just across the river.  Definitely helped me with my bearings.  Where the other day, it was all confusing, today, we got it all!  This is a great way to spend the morning!

When I got back, we headed down to Santa Cruz to pick up the toilet.  Dr. Brown did what a good guy does… he took out the old toilet and installed the new one.  I christened it and dubbed the task done.  In exchange, I will do a little laundry.  Normally we don’t do it this early, but it was very convenient, so why not.

Tomorrow, we head to Petaluma.  We will be staying at the Elks.  We debated which route to take… and against my better judgement, Spouse wants to go over the Golden Gate Bridge.  Technically, this route is only 6 minutes slower then going up the east bay.  But I dread the traffic…  Oh well, I am not driving!

Today Rudy tested just a little high for diabetes.  Not worth any insulin, but we will continue to monitor him.  I took him for a long walk.  He was everywhere, sniffing and snorting.  He really wanted a little bird… not gonna happen on my watch!

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