Monday, November 13, 2023

Hall's Crossing


November 3, 2023  Brrrr it is cold

My humans will not let me drink in their potty room.  I try to do it while they are there and they kick me out.  ME!  They kick ME out!

We knew it would be cold last night based on the patches of ice we saw on the side of the road when we were on our bike ride.  28 degrees…  Brrrr!  We waited for some sunshine before we even could think of doing a walk.  But, by then it is almost 9 am!  We bundled up and walked back on a rugged dirt road to explore.  These are deer hunters’ camp areas.  I think we had a coveted space as we have seen quite a few people with trailers use the turnaround in front of us.  They probably see us and then curse us for being in this great spot!  This is a remote area, but you can see the fire rings people have used in the past.  Once you get over the really bumpy road, the meadow is flat, and perfect for camping.  We found a little hiking trail and took that for a while.  We are at altitude with pine trees.  Not just the pinyon pines of the high desert, but all sorts of other pines. 

We make it back to Artee, have breakfast, then hit the road.  We never disconnected so it was easy to get going.  We continued on Harts Draw Road as it weaved around, eventually depositing us at the south end of Monticello.  Since we essentially missed the town, we figured we would do some grocery shopping at Blanding, which was about 20 miles south on Hwy. 191.

We then sat with a map and decided to go to Lake Powell via Natural Bridges  National Park.  It is a remote, small park, with a one way loop through the rugged terrain where you can view bridges made by nature.   Tons of hiking if you are so inclined, but the day was already long and it was still an hour to Lake Powell, at Hall’s Crossing.

It is a long, long drive.  It may only be 60 miles, but it was long.  Yea, there was some pretty scenery along the way.  It is an open range so we had to slow for the cows.  It just seemed to take forever to get there.  It is deserted back here.  We looked at the RV park (which is closed) and we looked at the campground and decided we liked the view better at the campground.  There are only 2 other campers here, so busy it isn’t!  I walked up to pay, but the kiosk for paying isn’t working, and there are no pay envelopes.  I asked one of the other campers about it, and he shied away from me as if I was toxic and basically said it was broken.  He had a speech impediment so he was shy… or maybe he is a serial killer, who knows!   I have named him Igor.

So, we have a killer view of Lake Powell from our back window and it is free!  Bwahaa!

By now, it is late (around 5, and we are usually off the road by 3).  Cocktail hour and dinner are next.

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