Thursday, November 9, 2023

Tuesday October 24, 2023 – On to Mesquite or maybe further???       

I don’t like the noise here.  Big houses that move are grumbling.  We need to move on!

It is a beautiful sunny, crisp morning.  Spouse and I walked around the rest stop a few times to get some exercise before we hit the road.  Spouse wants to stop at the Bass Pro Shop in Las Vegas.  And of course… we have to get fuel, which means Spouse has to do his gas dance for the cheapest stuff.  I hate that…

There was a Cracker Barrel next to the Bass Pro Shop so we went in for some breakfast.  This is NOT my favorite food, but it was there and convenient.  Can you believe they do not have salsa?  What kind of restaurant anywhere in the southwest does not have salsa!  And they were out of jelly… really? you specialize in breakfast and you run out of jelly?  They had good coffee though, and the food is edible.

After feeding our faces, we perused the aisles of Bass Pro.  Spouse was looking for this and that.  I was just walking around to get exercise.  After about an hour, we were back in the truck heading east on I15.  And Spouse was able to get gas here that was suitable for his cheapness.

I hate driving through Las Vegas.  There is always road construction, and traffic.  We actually made it past the casinos, and to the Auto Raceway before the traffic stopped.  STOPPED!  Down to two lanes of a gazillion of my new best friends.  We would move 100 feet, then stop…  over and over.  We would turn the engine off.  And wait…  Next to us, we saw a semi roll backwards into another semi.  We gave then our phone number if he needs a witness.  After 2 and ½ hours, we had gone about 10 miles.  At that point, they took us off the freeway and back on, alternating with a sideroad that was just as backed up as the freeway.  We had considered going on to St. George, but with this delay, Mesquite was looking good.  Besides, our friends, Vicky and Butch were there so we could hook up for dinner.

We got a spot at the Oasis Rv park, which is part of the Casablanca Hotel.  We didn’t want to unhook, and we barely fit, but it was not crowded so we went with it.

We met Vicky and Butch for dinner at the Casablanca.  The restaurant there used to be pretty good.  It was busy and the food was not as good as before, but we had a good visit and that was more important.

We walked back to Artee.  We expect to be off the grid a lot so we enjoyed having electricity while we could!

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