Monday, November 13, 2023


Monday October 30, 2023  Dead Horse Point           

Human, human, let me in with you.  My paws are cold!  Oh it is warm.  I think I need to eat.  Human, human, let me in with you.  My paws are cold.  Still warm.  I think I need to use my potty box.  Human, human, I am back.  Let me in.  My paws are cold.  I think I am thirsty.  Human, human, let me in.  My paws are cold.

The temp outside was 33, inside a balmy 43.  Spouse was the one that got out of bed to turn on the heat.  Normally, if we were in an RV park, we would have an electric heater keeping the temp up.  Not so here though.  I stayed in bed till things warmed up inside.

We made a good breakfast then headed to Dead Horse Point state park.  It is right next to Canyonlands.  Like Canyonlands, you are completely fooled by the landscape on the mesa.  You are in a field, then you are overlooking two entire states!  Just amazing.  We took a hike along the east rim of the canyon.  It is an easy hike with stunning views.  We meander on rocks, and soft dirt paths, through pinyons, around rock formations.  These views are even better than all the others!  Did I mention that it is 32 degrees and sunny?  Just a tiny breeze, but we bundled up for the hike.  I even put on a beanie and gloves.  When we got back to the truck, it was after noon and it was still 32 degrees.  We headed to Dead Horse Point at the end of the park, brought some snacks and ate on a sunny flat rock, just like lizards! 

From here, we could see the Potash ponds and the Shafer Trail.  We could see the Colorado River and the canyons and valleys and the snowy La Sal mountains.  There are not enough adjectives to describe the beauty, and pictures cannot come close to capturing the essence of the landscape.

The campgrounds here are geared for RVs.  They only have electricity, but there are dump stations and a water station.  And the views…  sheesh!

When we left, we headed back to Canyonlands to see the area we had missed earlier.  But by then, we were tired and headed back to town.  Spouse toyed with more Thai food, but it wasn’t opened for another 30 minutes so we headed back to Artee.  We gave Rudy some outdoor time.  These days, he only wants to be outside if we are sitting with him.  He doesn’t feel the need to wander off anymore.  If we go inside for just a minute, he will come inside too. 

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