Monday, November 13, 2023


Tuesday, November 7, 2023  We aren’t in Kansas any more Toto

It’s noisy.  I will cuddle with my paternal human.

I did not sleep much last night.  The winds were horrendous.  I predict we took some damage.  When Spouse finally woke up after a wonderful sleep, I told him we need to get out of here NOW!  He laughed at me.  I told him I think there is damage.  The wind howled, thinks flapped, groaned, pounded.  I know something has to be damaged.  He laughed at me… until we tried to bring in the slider…  and it came in crooked.  He stopped laughing…  We immediately moved it out.  Spouse went outside and saw that the wind had popped the awning that is attached to the slider off.  Oh great, we just need two 8 foot ladders and this will be an easy fix.  Yea, like that is going to happen.

Spouse used the ladder attached to the back of Artee to crawl on the roof to assess the damage.  Well, we could do this, we could do that…  but we really need a ladder.  I went and checked the vacant Indian Trading Post and there was a short ladder.  Then the girl got an idea…  Let’s disconnect the truck and move it aside Artee and it can become the ladder.   Spouse actually agreed that it might work!  Voila!  Spouse was able to put it back in place. 

Now, let’s get the hell off this ridge out of these winds! Hrumph… laughing at me… 

Hwy. 64 is where you can see your first views of the Big Ditch.  There are lots of lookout points.  Once we entered the actual park, we headed to the visitor center and walked some on the Rim Trail.  The Rim Trail goes for miles, some of it, you can ride your bikes, but near the visitor center, it is pedestrian only.  We have been here many times, and it is still breathtaking.  Or, is that the frigging winds sucking the life out of us…  At least the pine trees provide some protection.  The temperatures are warm, but the winds are really cold.  They finally subsided about 5 pm. 

We got to our spot and set up.  ELECTRICITY!  This is a decent RV park. Lots of pine trees, and the spots are not horribly close to one another.  But it is an RV park…

Spouse is going to work on cleaning the contacts on the GPS.  As much as I hate the bitch, she does come in handy.

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