Monday, November 13, 2023


Saturday, November 4, 2023  Lake Powell

Hack, hack, hack… thwack!  Shh, don’t say anything and maybe the humans won’t notice my mess.  Just look cute.

It was 41 degrees this morning.  A far cry from the 20’s of the night before.  It is expected to get up to about 70.  YES!  During the night, I looked outside at the dark night sky.  Saw shooting stars.  The moon is finally waning so we actually get some good viewing.

We walked around a bit, then came back and unloaded the bikes.  It is warm, it is cold.  Dress accordingly.  Once we got going, it was quite cool.  We had talked to the other camper here.  They were going skiing in this beautiful glassed out water.  But they have wetsuits…  Oh, I wish it were me!  But I will enjoy the bike ride. 

We headed to the marina.  The water level is obviously low.  We can see the bathtub ring from years gone by.  We walked down quite a bit to the docks, talking to the few people we saw.  A lady offered to take us over to Bullfrog if we wanted to rent a boat.  The only problem with that is we would have no way back when we were done. 

We looked at all the beautiful houseboats.  I liked the one named ‘No Sniveling’.  I betcha I would like these people!  The store was still open, and will be through winter, but there is nobody here to speak of.  The cashier told us they are having trouble getting labor and made an attractive pitch, but I didn’t fall for it!  As much as I would love it here, I don’t want to work.  Although I could see the fun in it.  We are really in the middle of nowhere.

There used to be a ferry between Hall’s Crossing and Bullfrog.  But it closed in 2019.  We pedaled to where the loading was.  You could see the ferry anchored offshore.  There is probably 200 feet of dirt from the loading ramp to the water.  I don’t expect to see that ferry operating any time soon.

There is much more happening in Bullfrog, and the peeps at Halls Crossing go over there all the time.  They coordinate supplies and such.  But for us common folk, if you don’t have a boat, you have a looooong drive from Hall’s Crossing to Bullfrog!  You have to go back, up and around.  No easy way.

They told us it is free camping for now until they fix the kiosk, whenever that will be.  You might find this hard to believe, but Spouse really did try to pay…  We originally were only going to stay one night.  Then, we decided on two nights.  And then three…  Then we thought we would go over to the RV park for our last night.   They have full hookups and we haven’t had electricity in a long time so why not.

After our bike ride…  we relaxed.  Haven’t done much of that.  We let Rudy roam free.  Of course we hovered nearby, but he loved being able to sniff and roll.  Then he came inside and threw up.  So much for that!

As I write this, Spouse is talking to Igor.  He sounds like a nice guy, but maybe he is afraid of females or something.  Spouse invited him over for a fire tonite.  We shall see…

We don’t have WIFI, but we do have cell service.  We have been without it for so long this is really a treat!

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