Monday, November 13, 2023


Wednesday, October 25, 2023  Holy Wind Gust, Batman!

I like it here better.  Those big houses that grumble are gone.  My paternal human let me explore a little.

After a walk around town, and of course, Spouse getting fuel, we got back on I15.  We cross into Arizona and through the beautiful Virgin River gorge passing into Utah, where are first stop was at a Walmart.  We needed some of this and that.  Since we didn’t have as much time to prepare for this trip, a few things fell through the cracks.

I15 in Utah is an 80 MPH zone.  We go about 61.  It is pretty country as we pass St. George, Hurricane, turnoffs for Brians Head, Bryce and Zion.  When we get to I70, we head east.  My turn to drive for a while.  It is more mountainous here but easy driving.  We stop at a few of the turnout viewpoints and the scenery is breathtaking.  There are valleys with vast ranches with freshly mowed alfalfa fields, next to fields of solar panels…

We switched drivers again.  We wanted to make it as close to Green River as we could, which would make it an easy drive into Moab tomorrow.   When we stopped at a viewpoint which was on top of the world, we decided to stay there for the night and enjoy the view.

Around 10 pm…  they came… the winds.  Let me be clear.  They were the WINDS!  Artee rocked and rocked.  I was concerned we would get blown clear out of Utah.  Then it stopped… and I could sleep.  Then it started and I was awake.  And that is how the night went.  But what a beautiful sunrise…

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