Monday, November 13, 2023


Wednesday November 8, 2023 The Non Mule ride

My paternal human let’s me share some of his food.  He shows it to me, I lick it.  It is so good.  Oh oh… hack hack hack thwack…  right in front of my humans… oh no.

It was 36 degrees this morning when we woke up.  Spouse has us on a waiting list to do a mule ride at 11, so at least we can wait for it to warm a bit.  We did take a small walk out of the RV park on a walking/bike trail through the pines.

We made a good breakfast and headed to Bright Angel Lodge to see if mule spots opened up.  Only one had… guess we will ride bikes.  But first, let’s walk around here.  Oh, more of the same… spectacular views.  In one of the shops, Spouse saw a mug that acts as a thermos.  He said as the ‘new Doug’ I should buy it… till he saw it cost $35.  The old Doug came right back!

We came back to Artee and got on our bikes.  Out of the RV park, there is lots of riding.  We checked out the campgrounds which are beautiful, but they will accept RVs no longer than 30 feet.  Lots of trees and very pretty.  We then rode on the greenway up to the Rim Trail.  At this point, bicycles are ok.  As we rode, we watched a helicopter hover on the edge.  It looked like it lowered something and hovered near the edge.  Then, it ascended with what looked like someone dangling a couple hundred feet below in a basket.  Now, riding a bike is really cold right now.  I have a T-shirt, flannel shirt, fleece vest and a gortex jacket on.  It is COLD!  I can only imagine how cold it is hovering thousands of feet in the air while the helicopter gets in position to deposit its load.  BRRRRR! 

Interesting to watch though.

We continued on the Rim Trail, through the trees, then through a short bare area, then more trees, until we got to the South Kaibab Trail.  Lots of park rangers.  We were told by someone that they were doing investigating and that parts of the trail were closed.  Hmm…  my true crime podcast mind got active!  Was the person in the helicopter pushed? Probably just another moron that didn’t take the trail seriously and wanted to get ‘just the right’ picture…

At that point, we started pedaling back.  We stopped at the market.  They have a pretty good grocery store here, and it is right near the RV park.  Perfect!

Spouse has been sharing an ice cream with Rudy every night.  Tonite, Rudy chose to throw up on my chair.  yuck

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