Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Brinks Job

Monday, June 07, 2010

Woke up early again today, around 5:30. The night had been cool, didn’t need air conditioning. We started our powerwalk together, then I left Spouse and Bart. I walked around the parks looking at the itty bitty ducklings. There were some goslings, not tiny; probably juveniles. There is an island in the middle of the pond, and the ducks looked like boats anchored around it. Got back and readied Hannah for her trip to Farmington.

We left Cortez and the Montezuma Valley, passing into the Mancas Valley then started climbing the hills. Hwy 160 passed by tree studded mountains and lush valleys. When we got to Hesperus, we turned south onto Hwy 140 to cross the Red Mesa. We were surrounded by beautiful pastureland and the La Plata river. As we continued south, desert scrub crept in. By the time we crossed the New Mexico border, the street got a little rough, and the desert scrub was a little more plentiful. Nearing the outskirts of Farmington, the scattered maverick homes appeared. Some of the people of New Mexico like to collect things, like old cars, junk toys, ok, let’s be honest… they collect a lot of trash and that becomes their landscaping. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

We pulled into our park, and set Hannah up on one of the empty sites. As I was guiding Spouse in, I stepped right next to an ant hole with ants that looked like they could take off with small children! I immediately went into the ‘flail and fling’ dance where every part of my body was jumping and flinging and flailing like I was on fire! From that point on, I watched where I stepped! Some of you may have done a half flail and fling when you walked through a spider web. I am sure you know what I mean! Anyway, the story continues… Spouse went to disconnect Hannah and he had trouble with the Brinks combination lock. He wanted all combination locks instead of locks with keys as he didn’t want to risk losing the keys. What he hadn’t counted on was accidentally changing the combination on the lock. Now the code was so secret, even he did not know it! He tried, then I tried. We only had 9,999 possibilities. Finally, we unset Hannah up, and went to a locksmith, who had to cut the lock off. Back to locks with keys… So much for Brinks locks! The picture is of the locksmith.

Sooo, we reset Hannah up, watching the ants veeeery closely, and went for lunch. Thai food…mmmmmm! While at the park, we realized we needed a camera to conduct the business that brought us here so we went here and there and finally settled on one at Wal-Mart. So now I can show you Riley the Rooster rug Spouse found. He prefers not to think of it as a trash find, but as a roadside find. He is still my trash monkey!

When we got back to Hannah, it was blazing hot. We asked our neighbor if we could use their electricity, and they said ok. The only service they have is 20 amps. We normally need 30 so we had to turn off the hot water heater (we will use propane for that) and WE TURNED ON THE AIR CONDITIONING! Poor Bart was panting. I was suffocating. Spouse had to use different cords as it kept cutting off, but we finally got it right. To use the microwave, we have to turn off the air, but I will get over that. To think I used to camp without ANY electricity… I would do it again in a heartbeat, in the right setting of course.

The rest of the day was dedicated to our business. We both got grumpy about that. I am sure you all sympathize!

Tomorrow, more work. Ugh!

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