Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Stand Corrected

Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Craig: (krag) – verb: to snore extremely loud like Spouse’s brother Craig.

Spouse was really Craiging it last night. I lasted two minutes in bed, then I opened the bathroom door as a barrier, then closed the sliding door between the bedroom and the rest of the coach, then stuffed a big pillow at the bottom of the slider to block the rest of the opening. I could still hear him. Oh how I wished I had ear plugs! The air conditioning kicked on and muffled the sounds so I could get to sleep.

Woke at 6am, and decided to do my powerwalk before it got hot. I took the walking trails parallel to the lake. They weave through ‘gardens’ with local fauna, with name tags. For those of you that have gone to Lake Mohave with us, did you know that Tamarisk is the bush that we put the port-a-potty behind? The trail leads to the Wahweap Lodge, about a mile or so away. When I got back, Spouse and I decided to rent a Sea-doo and explore the lake. We called and got the prices. We then packed a lunch and the few things that you can take on a Sea-doo and headed to the boat rental. When we got there, they told us they were out of Sea-doos. Huh? We just talked to you! The lady that talked to us came over and apologized profusely. She did not realize there were none available. How about renting a boat for the day?

I think this was a test. When we sold Playcation, Spouse said that if we wanted to go boating, we would rent one. I responded that it would never happen because he is too cheap. I STAND CORRECTED! Spouse forked out big bucks for a boat for a day! But now, we really needed towels. So, up the hill I headed, then down the street, then up the hill to Hannah. Whew! I got 2 towels, and some more bottled water, because now we will be out all day. I let Bart outside to do his business, then headed back down the hill, down the street, down the hill again. I find Spouse and he takes me to the boat. Wait, that isn’t it. It must be over here. No, that isn’t it… We finally found it. But wait, Spouse decides to get some ice…. We only have the boat for 6 hours, but hey… he gets the ice and we set sail. I asked for the camera to take some pictures… oops! Spouse left it up in Hannah. After a few choice potty mouth words, I had Spouse drop me off at the launch ramp, which is closer to the RV park, and I walked up the lonnnng steeeeep launch ramp, up and across that big blacktop parking lot, up to the RV park and Hannah. I picked up the camera, and Spouse’s 2 cokes and potato chips, gave Bart a biscuit, then headed down the RV park, across the big hot blacktop parking lot, then down the steep loooonnng launch ramp. I needed to get wet as I was overheated, so once out of the no-wake zone, I dunked myself. Brrrrr…. It was cold!

We headed up to Dangling Rope Marina, where we had so many good times. The lake is about 50 feet lower than when we were here last. What used to be vast expanses of water were now canyons snaking around. There are markers in front of some of the larger coves, now. The cove we stayed in frequently is Dungeon Cove. Things looked so different though with the water level being what it is. We explored the cove next to ours – something like Weatherhill Cove. It looks like it ends, but it just gets real narrow and curves around and around for a couple of miles. A couple of Sea-doos past us, and when it get even more narrow, we were worried about a collision possibility so we turned around and headed out. We swam some more – it was at least 5 degrees warmer here, if not more. We ate some lunch and cruised around.

Lake Powell is roughly 200 miles long, and who knows how wide. For it to be down 50 feet… wow, that is a whole lot of water. It may be down in water level, but it certainly is still one of the most striking places on the planet. It seems to have magical properties. I am glad we stayed here another day, and so proud of my Spouse for renting the boat.

After we fueled the boat (UGH), and dropped it off, we caught the shuttle (sorry, didn’t feel like walking in the hot hot hot afternoon!) to the RV park. A shower, a quick bite to eat, and now it is Vodka Tonic time… I never drank when I was here before as dehydration is such an issue, but now that I am in air conditioning… mmmmmm!

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