Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 5, 2010 On the road again...

Saturday June 5, 2010

The fan Spouse put in our bedroom was working for us last night. It felt kind of warm to me but the fan was moving cool air around, helping me sleep big time. This morning’s powerwalk took me on a back road past farms and pastures. Wildflowers dotted the landscape along the road. A gray mare hung her head out for me to pet, so of course, I obliged her. The air is so clean here. I walked to the end of the road, then turned around and headed back, petting the mare once again.

We readied Hannah for departure, then turned toward the town of Blanding. Spouse stopped to fuel up, and while he was pumping, I notice bird activity about 10 feet up on the gasoline station’s sign post. Apparently the papa sparrow would bring food and the mama would poke her head out of this little hole. They would exchange the food, then off he would go to get more. This happened several times while I waited for Spouse. What a good papa, working hard so his woman could be a stay at home mom! The reason Spouse was taking so long is that the gas pump didn’t turn off. So while he is washing windshields, gas is being pumped onto the ground at our expense. He went inside and complained, and it was evident that this happens all the time as the girl told him he should watch it more closely. So he called 911 and complained. They didn’t like the part of the fuel on the ground and said they would go and check it out.

Oh well, let’s get out of there! On to Hwy 191 heading north towards Monticello. We leave the buttes behind, far on the horizon. Farms and pastures and gentle rolling hills guide us along. At Monticello, we turn east on 491 to Cortez, Colorado. After about 50 miles, the snow capped Rocky Mountains start coming into view. We get to Cortez, find an RV park and settle Hannah.

We decided to see if we could find a camera in town. We went to the Wal-Mart and to Radio Shack. Spouse was unimpressed so we went to lunch – Chinese food. Not my favorite but it was ok. A quick stop at the grocery store then back to Hannah.

Spouse wanted to come to Cortez as there were some Indian ruins he wanted to see. He proceeds to tell me that the RV office girl told him the ruins are about 25 miles away and there are RV parks closer, and that I, as the navigator need to research these things. Oh yeah? I am supposed take the words ‘some ruins in Cortez’, and somehow figure out which ruins he is thinking of and find the closest RV park? I showed him the computer and got him online, then took a book onto our patio with a bowl of cherries, put my feet up and read in the balmy breeze. Navigate this… He found all the info so we can plan our assault tomorrow. Since he was online, he started researching our next camera. I came in and decided to take a nap – a rare thing for me. It was 4:17. At 4:22, Spouse started telling me that he figured out which camera he wants. What is it about closing my eyes that inspires a conversation in him? So much for a nap. Might as well start dinner.

I planned the meal for tonite to give Spouse a break. As it was cooking, I was talking to our neighbor, and she gave us all sorts of brochures on the ruins that we are going to see. We invited her over for dinner and shared an enlightening conversation. She said she comes here often and prefers this RV park over the one near the Indian ruins. She said it is quieter.

After dinner, we got on the bikes and pedaled around the neighborhood. There is a beautiful green belt across the street with parks and views of the plains. The homes are old and quaint with lots of big shade trees. Around here, it is a cute little town.
If you are wondering why this entry might sound a little different… since Spouse was using the laptop during my cocktail hour, I am doing this without the companionship of my Vodka Tonic.

Did I mention that this park is supposed to be quiet? One person across the aisle has been vacuuming her car for over an hour. She stopped, we clapped, but she said she would be back. Another hour of vacuuming - I don’t know what the heck happened in that car! Finally the park manager told her to turn it off. I never experienced something like this as a mariner…

As for the camera, there isn’t one within a 500 mile radius so I guess we will be pictureless… No pix, no vodka tonic… sheesh!

1 comment:

  1. Some ruins in Cortez , Sounds like our business requirements,aeh
