Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Casablanca - June 12, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I have a hate/love relationship with air conditioning. I hate being hot, but I hate being in air conditioning all the time. If I can have fresh air and be comfortable, I will go that way. Last night, it actually cooled off enough where I could open my window by my bed and enjoy the outside air. You need to understand that the window near my bed is only about a foot from my face, and the breeze outside was now blowing in my face. I slept pretty gosh darned good too!

Got up, went for a short power walk, then we headed to the Casablanca Golf Course. I had a very precarious start… I hit from the wrong tees. It was a great shot, but when I saw there was another set of tees, I had to drive again. This time, it was a good drive but right in the sand trap. Crap. Oh well… It is a beautiful golf course with its own little ecosystem. There are ponds and waterways with all sorts of wildlife. There are geese, duck and quail. You can hear bullfrogs cheering you on. There are bunnies and hawks. We saw a beautiful king snake.

But when you have this little ecosystem entertaining you through the course, that means you need to really avoid hitting into it. As a golfer, intellectually I understand that these hazards SHOULD NOT enter into your field of play. The idea is to stay in the middle of the fairway, then you never have to deal with things like water and arroyos. I managed to stay out of the hazards, but sometimes I paid for it by getting into trouble by staying out of trouble! Stroke-wise, it sometimes cost me the same. After I got over the first hole snafu, it took me a while but I got my golf act together. I shot 100, of which I was quite proud. I won low net (67) and with this crowd of good golfers, I was stunned! Spouse lost a few balls, and shot 121. Good thing the other twosome we were with had the official scorecard, because Spouse really messed up who got which score on our back up scorecard! He has a terrible time keeping score, but unfortunately, it is part of the game!

The weather today was exceptional. It was on the cooler side, maybe high 70’s or lower 80’s. Clouds were all around, and we could see it raining in spots. It rained on us for one hole, then a few drops hit us here and there, but it was very pleasant. On the horizon, we did see a couple of lightning strikes and it looked quite threatening. Given that golf clubs double as lightning rods, we kept our eyes wide open, but it never became an issue.

When we got back, I found myself drifting into another nap. I so rarely nap, that to do this two days in a row is phenomenal! Spouse napped also, but this time, I left his feet alone! He took off his shoes to show off his nail polish to a few of our friends, so I know my prank didn’t upset him too much! However, he just walked outside muttering ‘damn nailpolish’. Tee Hee!

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