Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday June 8, 2010

We slept in our own mobile home park last night. Woke early, and decided as a threesome, we would go for a powerwalk. Safer that way. We walked over to the park next door, then realized that the riverwalk has been extended. The riverwalk runs along the San Juan River, which runs behind our property. We have signed a release allowing the city to continue the riverwalk behind our property, which they will do when they have the funds. It still needs some clean up, as there is a lot of trash in the river, but there are also lots of ducks, including a mama and her 11 babies! Spouse's trash find... ahem... roadside find - Riley the Rooster rug up top.

Came back, did some work around the mobile home park, then concluded our business there. Ate a quick lunch and readied Hannah for her next ride. We left Farmington on HWY 64. This is one of the most boring highways on the planet. It goes through industrial sections then desert sections, then more desert sections then… heck, I am falling asleep just writing about it. Once in Arizona, it turns to Hwy 160, and continues to be boring. The only excitement we saw was a dog herding sheep, and some cattle with baby future steaks.
Once you get to Kayenta, desert pines start popping up and the red rock canyons start appearing again. The road goes up and it goes down, just to maximize your gas mileage! But at least it is scenic from this point on. We turn up Hwy 98 towards Page, another 65 miles. We pass stunning buttes, and out yonder on the horizon is Lake Powell, one of the most beautiful places on earth. As we near Page, Spouse is worried about running out of gas, so he actually stopped IN ADVANCE to put some fuel from our gas can into the truck. It turns out that was a wonderful thing to do…

As we approached Page, there is a detour due to road construction, then more detours and then we had to go up this hill and… we saw a Sinclair gas station with diesel pumps perfectly located but Spouse didn’t want to do Sinclair since our experience in Blanding. The next gas station had construction going on so pulling a rig into it was not an option. The next station had the best price, and the most people. Spouse pulled in and, much to my amazement, headed to the far pumps with about 2 inches in which to maneuver. Needless to say, he realized he couldn’t make the turn, and darned if the pump was out of service anyway! So now he is in a pickle. We got the walkie talkies out, and I had to guide him out as he backed out. This was no easy feat, but he did it. Once out of the gas station, he realized he had to go back to the Sinclair, so he turned up one street and darned if we didn’t get stuck again. More backing up, but there was a little more room to maneuver. We finally made it to the Sinclair for fueling.

After that ordeal, we headed to the RV park at Lake Powell. It is new since the last time we were here (about 19 years ago!), and it is quite a nice RV park. We used to load our ski boat with all our worldly possessions (bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, living room, etc.) then head up about 35 miles around the Dangling Rope marina area. We would find a somewhat level spot to make a camp and hang for a week or two. The skiing was fabulous, the scenery stupendous and the comraderie unforgettable. We would wake at dawn to ski on the glassy water with the buttes reflecting down. We would eat, we would fish, we would go to the marina for an ice cream. At the end of the day as the sun went low, we would ‘shower’, then put on dry clothes. It was important not to do this too early, otherwise you would get hot. We would lay our cots out on tarps and watch the stars pop out by the gazillions. I would love waking in the middle of the night and watching the stars, including the milky way. They were mesmerizing and hypnotic. I would try to stay awake to enjoy them, but they would put me right back to sleep.

We used to own this lake. Now, I feel like a visitor. It was hot (what a surprise) when we got here. Around 8 pm, we took a walk. It was warm and windy. There are walking trails now, and I walked down to the water and dipped my feet. A little chilly, but I bet during the day it feels great. We may rent sea-dos tomorrow if the wind dies down. After we walked, we sat outside. Hannah shields us from the winds. I would so love to sleep outside tonite, but that isn’t going to happen as I have nothing to sleep on! I have to get a cheap banana chair to throw in the back of the truck for nights and places like this. We sat in our upright chairs watching the stars pop out. It made us sleepy… then we came inside to our air conditioning and soft bed. I would much rather be outside in the balmy winds…

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