Thursday, August 27, 2015

Browns vs. Salmon River - Part 2

August 27, 2015

I found the weirdest critter.  I wanted to play with it but my humans stopped me.  They probably thought I would eat it.  I would.  My humans got me my own chair.  I love it!

The morning started with tying new lines for the fishing poles.  Spouse has these magnifying glasses you attach to a hat.  You can really see what you are doing when you look through those.  You can also see how bad your cuticles are, and that your nails are uneven and really need some filing!  Will today's fishing be a repeat of yesterday...

Back we go... my first cast... eaten by a new rock.  Then we started finding the places.  We each caught some junk fish (mine was the biggest).  But Spouse caught the most.  He even caught 3 trout!  He wins the prize!  There was some snagging, but not as bad as yesterday.  I did keep snagging on a line that was in the water - probably mine from yesterday!  We pulled that out.  All the while, a bald eagle was watching us... probably waiting for us to leave our fish guts for him.  I gotta tell ya, I just cannot put a worm on the hook.  I have to go to Spouse for hook wormage.  He also has to take my fish off the hook.  I will cast and hold the pole and untangle tho.

Look closely in the tree for the bald eagle.

We broke for lunch and a short walk into town.  By 'short', I mean pretty much next door.  We did take the long walk up the driveway to the Ranger Station.  We got a map of roads in the area and decided we need more days here.  More fishing tomorrow, a rodeo on Saturday, roads to explore...

Our neighbor encouraged us to cross the river for some more fishing.  The current is fast and you have to go slow.  We found a shallow spot and made our way.  At one point, you have to turn into the current or you will go down even though it is only knee deep.    We fished there, just junk fish.  Lots of critter prints, some of them quite large.

After our trout dinner, we fished some more.  We picked up these nifty gizmos that you use on your fishing pole to minimize snagging.  The overachiever that I am proved I could snag that too...  It just amazes me how I can just look at the fishing pole and the line will tangle.  I don't even have to touch it.  Give it some stink eye and you may spend days untangling the thing.  Spouse caught another trout.  Such a talent! I hope when I have 60 years of fishing experience, I will be as good as he is!

 The smoke is incredibly thick tonite.  We hear they are canceling rafting trips because of the fires.  What a mess.

By the way, how many times can Spouse knock over Rudy's litter box in a 5 minute period?

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