Sunday, August 30, 2015

Blue Sky!

August 30, 2015

Where are my humans?  They have been gone forever?  I WANT MY HUMANS!  It is dark!  I am hungry!

Hmmm... what's that smell... CLEAN AIR!  I look out the window, BLUE SKY!  It was windy last night.  Maybe the wind decided to blow some of the smoke away!  My morning walk was a repeat of yesterday, except there was fresh air and blue sky.  This is too nice.  Maybe Spouse will want to do a bike ride.

While I was walking, a herd of elk came right outside our camp.  I missed them and Spouse didn't photograph them... what was he thinking!  He got our bikes ready and we headed back down the Shoup road.  We rode a few miles back, looking at the geese, a heron and some ducks.  It is a little breezy, it feels like fall is in the air.  I know we have to start heading out, but it is going to be real hard leaving this area.  It was the perfect bike ride in that the hills were gentle and the scenery is beautiful beyond description.

Today, we take it easy, as tomorrow, we must leave.  Spouse washed the truck.  After the past couple of days being on dirt roads, it was pretty bad.  It is very windy now, and there are clouds in the sky.  Maybe it will rain?????  Did I mention it was windy?

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