Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Off the grid in O'brien... wow

August 23, 2015

I caught a mousie!  I caught a mousie!  I had my paw on it and it was not happy.  I tried to act like it was no big thing, but I was pretty excited.  Then my paternal human picked me up and put me inside before I had a chance to eat it!  What's with that?

Brrrrr, another cold morning.  As cold as it was, we could not see our breath as we walked.  (Note to Alan Coral:  why is that?).  Spouse walked with me for a bit.  We walked on the horsetrail along the road then turned up the road to Stanley Lake.  It is incredibly gorgeous here.  The mountains, meadows and creeks...  wow!

We came back to get Hannah ready to leave.  This RV park is funky, but I love it.  The restaurant is real good.  I feel like I am in Mayberry.  'Go get your coffee, honey.  Cups are over there and we have a few different blends.  It's all complimentary'.    We decided to have a big breakfast before we hit the road.  A couple we met yesterday from St. Louis (Bill and Jackie) came in and joined us.  The food was good and hearty.  The place was packed.  It is interesting to see people in heavy wool jackets and tank tops!  So cold in the morning, then warm in the afternoon.

After enjoying our meal, we put the finishing touches on Hannah, preparing her to be off the grid.  By that I mean filling her up with water.  We normally only fill her about one third of the way because of the excess weight.  But knowing we will need the water, we filled her.  We charged everything , cleaned real good, and set on our way.  It is already after 11.  Mighty late start!

We turned north on 75 towards Challis.  Of course, we had to stop at the hot creek and give it a soak.  That water is real hot in some places.  I loved soaking in the warm, then moving to the pipe that has cold water.  We met some nice people and chatted it up.  The rushing Salmon river is sloshing over the rocks behind us, the fir laden mountains are on both sides of the canyon, and we are soaking in hot water, basking in this opportunity!

We continued north till we saw O'brien campground.  Look at those sites on the water.  We did a U-turn and landed a phenomenal site.  There are no services here, but we planned on being off the grid, and what better place than this.  As I write, I am watching the Salmon river out my window.  We got into the space ok.  As for getting out... that is going to be challenging.  Spouse may be doing a lot of backing up!  I predict an argument in our future!  So for today, we went a grand total of 21 miles!

We did a few casts for fish.  But since we don't have a license yet, we didn't want to spend much time on this.  I did catch a nice rock though.  And I did learn just how fast I can pull in the line, navigate over rocks and run back to Hannah due to gastro intestinal distress! 

Spouse scored some free firewood.  Of course, he is channeling his inner pyromaniac...  We don't have enough smoke with all the wildfires.  Gotta make our own.  And as the sun faded to darkness, a doe and two fawns made their way down to the water across from us.  Nice to be able to enjoy the scenery.

Oh, and Rudy helped tie the fishing lines...

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