Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Off the grid, the sequel

August 25, 2015

My humans are not letting me chase the critters here.  I wonder why that is.

It wasn't quite as cold last night.  Our neighbors Jeff and Mary Pat came over for coffee, and we traded stories for quite a while. 

  We bid our goodbyes as I headed for my walk, and Spouse a bike ride back to Robinson Bar Ranch.  We then readied Hannah for departure.  How will we get out of this spot?  We have one chance to make a wide turn, and it is doubtful.  If we do this, we can be royally screwed.  So we elected to pull forward out of our space and back up.  Good move.  We then headed over the bridge where we caught our fish, and headed north.

What's that on the left?  Oh goody... another fire.  You can see the orange reflecting off the smoke cloud.  This can't be good.    When we got to Challis, we got our fishing licenses.  No more looking at the river longing to fish.  We had no idea there would be this much opportunity, otherwise we would have gotten a license before we came.  We now know.  We may be back up here next year, and we will be much better prepared.  After lunch, we continued north.

We ended up stopping at a little campground called Cottonwood, about 20 miles north of Challis.  Another banner day for us... 60 miles or so!  Here, it is a somewhat primitive campground.  We do have water, but no electricity.  I am out at the pavilion writing this, and we can get the internet here.  Miles from anywhere, and we can connect.  Love it!  We are right on the water again.  The BLM has improved this campground with paved roads.  It has nice fire rings and the sites are good.

We tried fishing right behind Hannah.  There was a gaggle of geese laughing at us.  Rudy didn't know what to make of them.  An osprey was on a branch right above Hannah.  It doesn't look big enough to get Rudy, but we will watch him nonetheless. 

When we get to a new location, I like to take Rudy out for a walk right away so he familiarizes himself with the surroundings.  Then, should he get out, he knows where Hannah is.  When he is scared, he runs to her steps.  Of course, he spotted movement.  I let him lead me... then I saw it!  No Rudy!  It's a snake!  Don't know what kind, it was gray, almost black and only about 6 or 8 inches, but Rudy didn't need to catch it!

We were told the fish were not hitting here, and it proved to be true.  I guess this makes up for us fishing without a license yesterday!

Now it is time for another campfire...

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